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I watched him go off and knew he was disappointed and hurt. Fai came over with me and said hello, murmuring about how excited she was and hadn't realized previously that Phana and I were dating. The boys swivelled in shock and looked at me and I just shook my head. Forth then looked at Fai and asked her on whom she had come with and that's when all hell broke loose. Fai mentioned she came with her boyfriend Yo and Beam stood up screaming.

"What boyfriend?!! Yo is dating Pha!"

"Erm no P Beam, Yo and I have been dating for the last 6 months. I think you got it wrong. Pha is dating Lam."

"No. What the fuck. Where is Yo?!"

Yo came running when he heard the commotion. His face already looked ashy. Before anyone can say anything, he was punched squarely in the face by Forth.

"How dare you cheat on Pha!? When you knew his whole world existed around you?! And you been stringing my junior too."

Fai looked extremely confused and turned to me.

"Phana isn't my boyfriend. I only said that to protect Pha for a bit. This scumbag here is Phana's boyfriend or so I thought."

Fai turned to Yo who was all red from the punch and also abit ashy. Beam lunged at Yo and had to be held back by Kit and Max. But Forth still lunged forward and had to be held back by Park. I stood in front of Fai and protected her.

"Go home. Sort your things out with Yo yourself. Not here. Its just making things worse, you and him being here. Esp him."
I replied tersely. Fai nodded and walked off, Yo trailing after her trying to explain his point.

Beam and Kit looked at me and queried on where Pha was. I mentioned he could have gone home. They nodded and left immediately with Forth and Ming who accompanied them. I sunk onto the couch and the rest of the boys just sat in silence with me. SHEESH.

Half hour later, Forth called me mentioning Pha wasn't in his room. Shit. We all decided to go look for him. All of us split up, going to his favourite haunts based on Beam's words and searched high and low. No matter what, we couldn't find him. We decided to hit some bars next, figuring it be the last place studious Pha will be in but he was in the first one I had gone to with Park, drinking himself silly.

"Phana. Phana. Let's go."

Pha looked at me in a drunken daze and then he went "fuck off."

I was stumped and stared at him. Park chuckled and I frowned, both of us never having seen this side of Phana before.

"Phana. Enough. Let's go. Stop it."

"I said fuck off. Boyfriend. Fuck off."

"You. Stop. It. Let's go now."

"Make me."

This fellow was testing my patience. I grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him towards me. He almost fell over in his drunken haze but I held onto his waist tightly.

"Look at me Phana. As a boyfriend, I am not going to let you drink yourself silly here. Let's go home."

"Really? Cos my last boyfriend was cheating on me and he just let me go over a girl. And he's supposed to be the real boyfriend."

I stared at Pha who was obviously very bitter and hurt. But more than the bitterness, I heard the hurt seep in. He tried to fight me, I could see Park calling Forth and Beam from my peripheral view.

"Phana. Stop it. Let's go home. You got Beam and Kit who are waiting for you."

"Fuck off Lam. I said go away. Let me be. I should be allowed to do whatever I want now, given I'm single. At least for tonight."

He pulled away and turned around to try and order another drink. I glared at the bartender who backed off from our supposedly lover's quarrel. I pulled Phana now by his wrist out of the bar. Once we were out, he pulled away from me and pushed me. I fell backwards. Park was shocked and ran towards me but I told Park to cool it.

I stood up, brushed off and walked towards Phana who was standing around in a drunken fit, red and flushed.

"Unfortunately for tonight, you still have this pretend boyfriend of yours so fuck it and listen to me before I make you do so."

"OH yea. What can you do?! Make me." And then I saw Pha do the most childish thing ever. He stuck his tongue out at me.

I turned to look at Park who was equally stunned. Who the fuck was this drunk Pha?!?!

I face palmed. Just then Beam and Kit and the rest arrived. Bit I didn't register their presence as I went to grab Pha again who tried fighting me and almost lost his balance. I held onto him and swerved him up but we both came dangerously close and just then, Pha leaned forward abit more to stabilise himself and we ended up kissing. It was just a peck, a quick one. One that shouldn't and wouldn't mean anything but fuck.

We both pulled away in shock, Pha finally sobering up from this. He stumbled back a few steps and the boys went to catch him. He pulled away from them and turned but I went forward.

"I'm bringing you home and that's it. Stop fighting me Phana. Get it?!"

Pha turned to look at me with red teary eyes and just nodded quietly. I took him by his wrist and brought him to my car. The ride home was silent, only punctuated by the constant pinging of my phone due to group messages.

I dropped him off and made sure he stayed in. I stayed outside his dorm the whole night just to make sure he wouldn't sneak out.

And that was my night spent outside a guy's dorm whom I barely know.

To Many More Returns (LAMXPHA)(COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now