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On Friday morning, I went for classes as usual. I bumped into Yo on my way as always for the last week but I ignored him completely. After school, Beam was going to meet Forth and asked me if I wanted to tag along. I agreed, mainly because I wanted to see Lam but not make it so obvious. It had been over a week since I last saw him.

We went to the Engineering canteen and we met the boys. As Beam was dating Forth, we were invited to sit with them too. Park and Lam were both there too. I just saw Lam flick his eyes at me but he didn't say anything. He was busy working on his assignment with Park who was copying it off. I just chuckled softly watching these two. Forth went to get Beam's lunch. Park then stood up to go get his food and Lam's as well when Lam stood up. He said he will get it for a change. Park nodded and was distracted simultaneously by a phone call so he sat back down. Before Lam went off, he turned to look at me.

"What do you want?'

"Erm it's ok. I'm not hungry."

Lam glared at me so I got the same thing as he did. He nodded and went off to get the food for us. I turned back to Beam who just mouthed to me

"New boyfriend ah? Hot stuff."

I smacked him before Forth came back and he chuckled. The two boys came back with lunch and we settled to have it. Once lunch was over, Beam and Forth were going back. Park was going to go meet Max and Tul so that only left me and Lam. I nodded my head at him and took my leave wanting to go back to the dorm. He nodded and I left.

I spent a few hours studying when I got a call from Kit asking me if I wanted to join him and Ming for a movie. I nagged at him about making me third wheel for a date. But he laughed. He said that the Engineering boys minus Forth was coming so he thought of inviting me too.
I tsked but agreed to go along. I reached there to find a bunch of them. But I didn't see Lam amongst them. I didn't say anything.

Just as we settled down for the movie, someone sat next to me. I realized it was Lam. He just nodded his head and turned his attention to the screen. I placed my popcorn next to him so he could help himself too. Initially he didn't but eventually he did. But midway through the movie, I caught Lam nodding off. It was a mixture of a romance and action movie and I could see most of the boys nodding off. Hahah. It was hilarious. Lam nodded off and slept. I nestled closer to him so his head rested on my shoulder making it comfortable for him.

He slept through the remaining movie and only woke up when credits came on though he was quite embarrassed that he had fallen asleep on me.

I didn't draw much attention to it. As we all left the theatre making our way back, I was waiting for a taxi. Just then Lam stopped his bike in front of me.

"Hop on. I send you back."


He looked at me but didn't say anything. He waited patiently. I sighed but I knew he meant well. I got on and he sent me home.

"Thanks for the ride. I feel bad that I keep bothering you which is why I was hesitant to accept the ride."

"I don't find it a bother. Don't think too much. I see you around. Bye."

I nodded my head. He was a nice guy though he always seemed so reticent and cold.

Like a durian.

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