Trusted You

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I trusted you

With every part of my life

I let you into everything 

I treated you like family

Gave you gifts and my time

Made an effort to be friends

I thought you were a true person

But you proved to just be a snake

You were a wolf in sheep's clothing

At first everything was great

I was happy and I guess you were too

After all you used me

You never truly cared about me

While I cried over you

Spent hours alone in my room

Wishing that you were not as fake as you were

Now all I have of you is pictures

Ones of us in silly poses 

Videos of us doing pointless things

I have to delete them just like I had to remove you from my life

Now we're not friends

All because you weren't real in the end

I trusted you

And it was the biggest mistake of my life

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