Chapter 14 - A New Gathering

Start from the beginning

It only brought my mind back to Diesel and I's conversation about the servants talking about us. How many others in the kingdom knew about me and were spreading rumors behind our backs?

"Hi Isabel and friend! I don't think we've met!" The girl in the middle said much too excitedly. She curtsied and I followed suit, trying my best to smile.

There were 4 women in total, each introducing themselves. The dark haired girl was named Sara, the red head was Jane, and the two blonde sisters were called Lily and Lyla.

"My name is Blue," I introduced.

"Blue? Thats an interesting name." Clearly they wanted to hear how I got it. But I didn't know what to say. Isabel took the lead.

"Shes from a small village near here. Brackenridge, near the river. They have all kinds of water names down there!" She explained with big smiles. The girls oood and awwd, talking about how they'd love to visit sometime and see my home.

"Did you like living by the river?" Jane asked. She seemed shyer than the others and had her dark red hair swept into a up do. I noticed the other conversations in the group quieted to be able to hear my answer.

"It was nice. It made trade easy so there were many new things coming in and out of the town," I said with as much confidence as possible. Inside my heart was pounding. We had gone over this many times the night before. What amenities the village had, the size, the layout but it was still nerve-wracking having to lie.

"That sounds nice! Maybe we could all make a day of it," Lily chimed in.

They all nodded and agreed.

"Maybe we could ask Prince Diesel to come with us." The words came from Sara. A sly smile came over her face when the group quieted and focused on her.

"Prince Diesel would never agree to go with you," Lily said, softly laughing at the notion. It only made Sara smile wider. She knew she had turned the conversion to her liking.

"No but he'd go with her."

All eyes were back on me.

"Is it true that you spend time with him?" Lyla questioned. Everyone leaned in.

I nervously looked away. My gaze found Diesel. He was standing uncomfortably next to King Arthur and his brothers, surrounded by a group of nobles.

I chuckled a little inside at the face he was making. He wasn't hiding his distaste very well.

"Diesel and I are friends and he has helped me get used to living here." I hoped they would drop it there.

"You didn't use honorifics when speaking about him. He's a prince. Sounds a little more than friends to me," Sara said. 

My eyes widened. I hadn't thought of that at all. An embarrassed blush painted my cheeks.

"I'm still learning the appropriate honorifics for each person. We didn't have reason to use them in the village. My apologies," I stated, straightening a little. I was going to have to watch what I said the rest of the night.

I quickly excused myself before Sara could continue. I rushed over to the table housing the snacks and drinks, stuffing a cracker into my mouth in a panic.

"Are you okay?" Ben came up beside me, looking at me with a confused expression.

I swallowed hard, trying to get the cracker out of my mouth before speaking. I shouldn't have chosen such a dry food.

"I'm fine."

"You sure look fine," He said, laughing slightly. I just blushed. This night couldn't get worse.

"The king looks well today," Ben spoke, changing the subject. I was thankful.

"I agree. I think he's getting better." Ben nodded.

"Have you noticed anything different in his routine?"


"I'm just trying to figure out how. How is he getting better." Ben seemed so serious now. He turned towards me and grabbed my arm, not hard but enough to keep me in place. "Please think. Has anything been different?"

I furrowed my brow and took a small step back. I didn't think anything had been different.

"No, until today I think his schedule has been the same. We always have lunch together and he's always there at the same time everyday."

"Thats what I thought. You've had lunch together every day for the last two weeks, right?" He asked to confirm. I thought back, trying to track the days.

"Thats right."

Ben looked even more serious and opened his mouth to speak when Isabel came up beside him.

"I think you should let go Ben," Her tone wasn't rude, but it was firm. Her eyes darted up and behind Ben. We both followed her gaze to Diesel. His expression was purely dangerous. Eyes narrowed and nose flared, he didn't look happy. Ben quickly let go. The expression softened but not by much.

Thankfully, King Arthur spoke and the entire room fell silent. Diesels gaze was forced away from us. The guards ushered the newcomers across the room and I realized the ceremony was about to begin.

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