Chapter 7 - Eventful Breakfast

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I watched her the entire walk to the dining room. Partially to make sure she didn't have any issues walking, in case she got a dizzy spell. Isabel had done a good job hiding the bandage from the back but it was still clearly visible from the front. The other part of me just wanted to watch her. She was now out in the light of the castle, walking around semi normally. We were no longer hidden in the dark or being pelted by hard, cold rain.

It almost felt normal. Almost.

The first sign of a trip showed itself within the first five minutes. She turned her head for only a moment, to look at a painting on the wall, and then she was gone, tripping over the long dress. I was at her side in seconds, something that did not get past Chrom.

"Woah!" Her small hands grasped my arm around her waist.

"Nice catch Diesel." The words out of Chroms mouth were nice but his tone was harsh. I had slipped up and used my inhuman shifter speed to get to her on time.

"You got to her so quickly!" Isabel exclaimed, staring at us in shock.

"Are you okay Blue?" Chrom asked, diverting Isabel's attention away. My eyes also swooped down to find Blue staring back at me, a blush on her cheeks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," She mumbled. I let go, helping her to steady herself before backing up.

"Thank you," She said as we began walking again. I smiled and decided to stay by her side this time. I couldn't afford another slip up.

We managed our way to the dining hall, the servants at the doors pulling them open for us as we approached. My hope that the other two members of my family would be done and gone by now but that thought was crushed when I heard quiet chatter emmitnating from within the room.

My adopted father was sitting at the head of the table with Malachi at his side, his face stuffed with food. Malachis eyes scanned Blues new attire and I quickly got her into a seat to stop him, as innocent as it was. She smiled as I helped push her in and I could feel my cheeks warm at just the simple gesture.

Father waited until all four of us were sitting before training his eyes on my mate.

"It's nice to meet you. My name is King Arthur," Father said curtly, eyeing her reaction. Her eyes widened a little and instead of speaking her "name", she began asking questions.

"Wait, King?" Her head whipped towards me, "Aren't you his son? Are you a prince!?"

I hadn't even thought to tell her or explain anything. She hadn't questioned it either, being in a castle or luxurious gowns being simply given to her hadn't seemed to set her mind in any direction that would suggest royalty.

"Oh, uh, yeah," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. I didn't really consider myself on the same level as my brothers. They had trained their whole lives to be in the noble world and Chrom to be the next king. I had appeared when they were already teens and while I did plenty of schooling, I was nothing like them and was always displeased when others referred to me like I was.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She accused, her gaze never leaving my face, hands on the edge of the table as she leaned forward to better see me sitting next to her.

I opened my mouth to tell her she hadn't thought to ask but was cut off by my father's cough to get our attention. Which worked but then quickly turned into a real cough. When it didn't stop, my brothers and I were out of our chairs, calling the servants to get the doctor.

I barely registered as my little mate and Isabel rushed to open the door for us as we rushed our father out the large double doors of the dining hall. My only focus was getting him out of here. Our father had been sickly the past year and his biggest wish was to make sure no servants saw him in that state. They needed to see power when looking at their leader, not a sickly old man.

As soon as we hit the stairs that would take us up past my room and then to his on the floor above that, I lifted him effortlessly into my arms. He was no small man, but I was no regular human. My brothers were at my back, ushering away every servant in sight. I only looked back once, trying to see if Blue was making it up the stairs, but she was no where in sight.

I wanted to race down the stairs and search every room until I found her but I forced myself to continue going up. I did push myself to move faster, almost tripping a few times as I missed a step. Something that didn't go unnoticed as Malachi and Chrom quickly told me to be more careful.

Malachi got the first door while Chrom got the second and then we were in our fathers bedroom. I set him on the edge of the bed gently. Chrom handed him a cup of water and it was quickly downed and then replaced with another. A knock sounded and the doctors metallic scent filled the room as Malachi let him in.

After the doctor announced that he could find nothing wrong, as per usual, and the coughing subsided, I excused myself. Racing down the stairs one floor, I caught Blues fresh scent and started running. It took me straight to the room she'd been using, my room. I didn't knock, letting myself in and startling the two women in the sitting room.

"Is everything okay?" Isabel asked, standing to her feet, clearly seeing my disheveled appearance as something worse than it was. Blue silently stared from behind her, still seated but clearly nervous.

Without thinking, I marched past Isabel and took Blues fingers in mine.

"Everything will be okay."

Who's Blue?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن