Chapter 2 - Disaster Strikes

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I made the choice not to eat, since I had just eaten oatmeal an hour or so ago. Vera had moved tables to sit with her older brother Stilras while the youngest sibling stuck with me and Robbie.

Veas and Robbie were busy talking while I tried to block out the noises around me. Even the smell of the food seemed to be making me feel worse.

A hand landing on my shoulder caused me to jump and turn quickly, finding the hand to be attached to my oldest sibling Stormy. Her concerned gaze just made me sigh. Niton stood stoic behind her, completely uninterested in the conversation and much more focused on the one year old in his arms. I almost wished everyone would be a little bit more like Niton at this moment, just to give my head a little relief.

I ran a hand through my hair roughly, "I'm fine. Just a little tired."

"Tired? I was told you slept in today." The voice belonged to my dad who had walked up behind me. Niton straightened up at his arrival, always having felt the need to prove himself to our Dad.

"Hello! Sorry I'm late!"

The late arrival of Novus was my saving grace as all attention was diverted to him. His dark blue wings lowered him to the ground, two fairy children following in his footsteps.

"No worries. We just started eating," Mom said, rushing up to him with Dad in tow. Novus was a close family friend according to them.

"Ocean, care to start up some water works? It's hot out here today. The kids would love it," Novus questioned as he passed by my uncle. Everyone agreed and soon enough Ocean had started a small sprinkler nearby. The smaller kids were up and screaming as they ran through it. Novus' two children were right there alongside Helia and Tidal despite never meeting before now.

"C'mon Dew!" Veas and Robbie gave me no choice as they dragged me off the wooden bench and across the grassy yard. I stumbled more than once, the quick actions causing me to feel queasy.

Water cascaded around me as I was yanked under the magical sprinkler. I had hoped it would sooth my pain or maybe distract me but it was like every drop burned against my skin. I was pulled all the way through with the two boys holding onto my arms, their laughs and the children's squeals overwhelmed my senses.

As soon as I was out of the water, I dropped to the ground.


I wasn't sure who was calling my name. I wasn't sure who was touching my arms or trying to get me to sit up. I dug my nails into my skull and curled in on myself, trying to block out anything and everything. Tears streamed down my face as the throbbing in my head only grew. It felt like my head was being slammed against a rock every five seconds. Multiple pairs of hands began prying at my arms and it only made things worse.

"Stop," I whimpered, wanting them all to leave me alone. No one heard my plea.

"Stop." Not a single soul listened. The hands kept grabbing. The throbbing wouldn't stop. My skin wouldn't stop burning. When another hand made contact with the hand fisted in my hair, something in me snapped.


The voice that left my lips was foreign. Water swirled around me, being sapped from Ocean's magical spring. Uncontrollably I stood, unknown purple magic pooling around my fists. I threw my hands out, trying in anger to remove the group that had surrounded my pained form.

It was like I wasn't me, like I was looking on from a body outside of my own as the purple magic shot from my hands. It flew through the air, landing directly on Helia's small form. It tossed her backwards harshly.

Screams of fear and panic erupted into the air and I threw my hands up around my ears, tears continuing to stream down my cheeks. Only this time, accompanied with the pain was shock and shame.

"I'm sorry," I breathed. Most of the group rushed towards the child now lying motionless on the ground. My mom stood motionless in front of me, her eyebrows drawn close together in confusion and panic.

"I'm sorry," I wheezed again, tears beginning to blur my already spotty vision.

"I'm so sorry." With those words I began stumbling back. The feeling of water touched my back and my mom's frantic screams touched my ears.

Her bright golden eyes met mine before my vision went blue and I was engulfed in a swirling vortex of cold water. For the first time since waking up my headache was gone but I was only able to relish in the feeling for a second before my mind went blank and my consciousness shut down.


A shout of pain caught my attention, drawing my gaze away from the window to find that one of the two knights I was training had knocked over the other.

"Back on your feet!" I called, watching with satisfaction as the winner helped the other boy up. Both were laughing. I waited until the two boys swords were clashing before I turned towards the window again. On a normal day I'd have more than two recruits sparring outside in the training field but we had been rained out today.

"You seem distracted brother." I turned my head towards Chrom, his sharp blue eyes meeting my own pair of dull blues. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the two boys fight intensify, both wanting to show off in front of their prince.

"Is everything okay?" He questioned when I didn't respond. I wasn't sure how to answer.

"I've just felt off. I think its the rain." I shrugged. I didn't know why I felt so anxious, almost nervous. The wolf spirit inside my soul refused to stop pacing but I knew that my adoptive brother would have zero understanding or solutions.

"It was pretty sudden. Father and I had to rush in from our morning walk when it started," Chrom grumbled.

"How's he doing today?"

Chrom opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the loudest boom of thunder I'd ever heard. Both of our gazes shifted quickly to the window, shocked gasps leaving our lips. We had turned just in time to see a blue bolt of lightning hit the ground.

I froze, feeling like the bolt had hit me directly in the chest.

I know the chapters are moving a little quick but hopefully that doesn't continue

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