Killian and Reese had come around the corner and saw the events that were happening in here, realization and betrayal becoming their emotions as they tried to bust the door down.

"Now it's a party," Xander laughed as he waved the blade around, regaining his composure and walking towards Dad.

"I bet you weren't expecting Damian to show up," I huffed, reverting his attention from my father to me.

He groaned and rolled his eyes, pointing the knife up at me briefly.

"That kid gets on my nerves sometimes. Bloody great hitman, but bad if not on your side. When I traded myself for you, Lachlan took Damian to make sure everyone thought I'd have no choice but to go with him, but I didn't take him into account for tonight. That's my mistake but truly, I can't believe everything just worked out so—perfectly," he smiled, stepping back and thinking about his manipulative accomplishments.

"No one would have suspected he was double crossing us. He didn't have to earn our trust because he already had it," My father piped up, his voice composed and clear.

"Ah. He speaks after all. Guess I really did miss that shot," he laughed sadistically, only further reminding me of Lachlan.

"What happened to you Xander?" I asked shakily, barely recognizing the man in front of me who claimed to be my brother.

He looked up at me and smiled, slowly walking over to me.

He positioned himself a foot from me and cocked his head to the side, not in confusion, but in arrogance.

"Nothing happened to me sis. This is who I am, and who I have always been," he chuckles and picks at a strand of my hair to twirl around his fingers.

"Why would you betray your family like this Xander? After all that we've done for you," I plead, trying to understand.

"After all you've done?" He questions and pulls his hand back, restraining himself from coming any closer to me.

He may have hated Dante, but he wouldn't dare hurt me.

"This family is the reason I am like this," he turned and kicked a metal wrack from the wall and to the ground, creating a boom that made me jump slightly. "I am the son of Lachlan Lion and his sadistic and murderous traits run through my veins. I will not suffer from any more lies from him," he pointed the knife at Dante.

Veins were starting to bulge in his arms and his forehead while his eyes were wide and red with dark circles blackening by the second.

I breathed in and held it in, scared as if one noise from me and he would snap and go on a massacre killing spree.

I tried to understand why he would do this, but I couldn't. The things Lachlan did were too far behind comprehension, but Xander had proven he was willing to go just as far if not farther than his insane father.

"It's nothing personal Rebecca," his voice grew calmer with every word.

I let out a staggered breath and he looked at me with the brotherly emerald green eyes that I grew up with.

His expression was saddened and calm.

"I'm sorry it has to be this way," he confesses.

"It doesn't have to be," I hesitantly spoke.

"Yes actually, it does," his voice grows dark again as gunshots come from outside the small room. "It's been fun talking to you sis, but I think that's my que to leave," he declares as he backs toward the other exit in the room.

"Actually, I forgot," he recalls as he turns around slowly. "We're in the endgame," he says as he hurls himself at my father.

"No!" I scream as Xander stabs my father in his stomach with darkness and no remorse in his eyes.

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