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3 Hours have past
Place: Somewhere between Hawai and Japan.
Year: Mid 2020


"Yes Bonten."

"What's going on?" The h/c 17 year old girl asked as she came over after taking down all the enemies of Bonten.

"Bonten came on board." Beta answered her. "The fuck are we gonna do about them?" Kook asks. "Whatever Y/n says." Beta turns to Y/n. "Where are they right now?" Y/n pondered.

"Hanger 6." The worker in front of them said waiting for instructions.

"Lock them in there then. Gather a group and assemble them around the hanger. Close all the doors and make sure if there are any vents that they're sealed off. Beta and I will sneak in try to kill them off. Kei and Kook, you two will stop or shoot any of Bonten if they escape that hanger. Everyone else does the same." Y/n commanded. She looked like a captain- no maybe a general- no. 'no... a fucking queen is what she is.' Beta thought as she admired her.

"Gotcha. Gather a group of 40 people, alright?" Beta says to the worker. "Yes Beta-sama." The worker left to do her work. "Lets go Beta." Y/n says. "Good luck you guys." Kook says before Beta and Y/n leaves. "Thanks but I dont think we'll need it." Y/n smirks before they run out into the ran and to Hanger 6.

To Bonten

"Why the fuck do they have a ship out in the middle of the pacific ocean...?" Sanzu asks as he dumps the dead body along with the other dead bodies that they killed. "Who cares Sanzu..?" Rindou watched him with lazy eyes.

"I do!" Sanzu sneers. "Enough. Let's find a way out of here." Kakucho walks up to them. "That's probably not gonna happen.." Takeomi says. "And why not?" Ran asks. "Because all the doors are sealed. Vents are too. The hanger door is sealed off too." Kokonoi says. "They were all open when we got here. I call bullshit." Sanzu says. "Believe what you want. They're all sealed." Takeomi lazily looks away from Sanzu.


"The only way they're sealed is because they know we're here." Mikey looks at the hanger door. "Listen." He says as he holds his ear to hear.

Everyone hushed to hear the faint sounds of footsteps and guns getting ready to be fired. "Tsk. How annoying.." Rindou's eyes squinted to sounds outside the hanger walls. The lights to Hanger 6 shut off suddenly to them. "What the fuck.." Kokonoi muttered. "Where is everyone?" Takeomi asks.

"Boss! Boss where are you!!?" Sanzu panicked. "Boss is fine. Shut the fuck up stupid." Rindou says. "Dont start now brother. I know he can be a pain in the ass but...dont start.." Ran teasingly smirks, though no one could see it. They could feel his smirk.

A ruckus was heard at the side of the hanger. "Fuck was that?" Rindou asks turning to the sound. Everything and everyone was quiet to hear what would happen next. Another ruckus was heard, this time closer. "Be on high alert." Mikey says.

Thats what they did. They got ready for what would happen. "Ow! What the fuck!? Who did that!?" Ran yelled in pain. A giggle was heard next to Rindou and swung his fist but there was nothing but air. He felt pain shot up to his back when he felt a kick push him to the ground. "Damn it..!" He yells in frustration.

"Kakucho, to your left!!" Takeomi yelled seeing a shadow appear next to Kakucho. Kakucho turned to the left and felt a punch to the stomach followed by getting grabbed by the head kneed. He groans in pain as the person steps back.

Everyone gets quiet, trying to hear the next move. "grrr..." They heard Sanzu grunt. He was punched to the side. He stepped back only to feel more punches. He tried fighting back but with no light, nothing could really be done. He felt someone grab his katana and throw it somewhere away.

Ran pulled out his gun. And shot it the person who was hitting Sanzu. Footsteps were heard and a thud afterwards. "Gah...." They heard a girly squeak. "Holy shit! Did you just get shot!?" The voice was a little familiar to the Haitani brothers. "Fuck. Keep going!" Y/n's voice was heard.

"Y/n!?" Ran yelled. They heard more footsteps. "You good?" Beta whispers. Y/n grunts in pain. "Dont fucking tell me you shot her Ran! You could've killed any of us!!" Kokonoi yells. "I'm fine. He didn't." They heard Y/n's voice faint.

"What was I supposed to do? Let Sanzu get punched to death by Y/n!!?" Ran yells back. "Calm down." Kakucho says. "You know.." Beta punched Kakucho. "She wasnt the one punching whoever this so called 'Sanzu' person...." Beta continued as she went for Rindou then to Ran kicking and punching them to the ground.

"I was!" She went for Takeomi. "Shit.. How can they see us in the dark!?" Kakucho grunts.

Beta kept going for the blow and Y/n pulled down her heat vision goggles from behind a ca. 'Hmm... If Beta keeps this up, they could find where she is, take her hostage and things could switch. Beta's ignorance is gonna get the best of her.' Y/n grunts and touches her side. 'God damn it. How can I get hit so easily?.. so weak.'

Y/n holds the bottom of her com in her ear. "Beta. Fall back." She says. "What?! Why!?" Beta argues through the com. "The fun's just starting!!" Grunts we're heard from the com as she talked.

"Because you could get captured as soon as they notice ur fighting pattern an-"

"Fuck!! No don't-"

"Y/n." Mikey's voice came in through the com.

"Are you kidding me..?" Y/n facepalmed.

"Surrender. We just wanna talk." He says. "There's no need for all this unnecessary drama. We got your friend here." Mikey's voice made Y/n feel disgusted.

"You can't listen to one order can you, Beta!!?" Y/n yelled which echoed through the hanger. "Im sorry!!" Beta yells back. "Christ." Y/n says then presses button on her comto switch the channel. "Stand down. They got Beta." She speaks to the others.

"Are you sure commander?"

"Do it!" Y/n says frustrated. Y/n goes back to the other channel with Mikey. "Fine. Say what you want." She says. "Turn on the lights and Beta will be fine. If you don't, we'll see what happens to Beta." Mikey says.

Y/n grits her teeth in anger. She breathes and relaxes. "You know what to do guys. Do it stealthy." She says in the com to a different channel. The lights turn back on.

All were heard were grunts. "Got em boss." You heard over the com. "Bring them to me." You demand as you head outside the hanger. Rain pouring, the waves aggressively clashing on the ship creating more water on the deck.

You hear Ran grunt. "Seriously this chase is getting a little ridiculous."

"Shut up." You say before kneeling down in front of him. "You know.. i dont understand you guys one bit. You trying to get me back when all I want to do is kill you. What?" You shrugged.

"You guys swear I'll walk back voluntarily. You know I have the power to kill you. Just give me up. Its too late for you to take me back Manjiro. Where were you when I needed you!!?" You yelled in his face.

Manjiro didnt say anything or look at you. "Don't stay quiet. Own that shit! Every single one of you knew you he treated me yet did you knock some sense into him? No. Fucking assholes." You stood up.

"How many times do we have to say we're sorry." Rindou say. "All you ever say are half assed sorry. That's all you guys are capable of!" You pinched the bridge of your nose.

"Boring! Can we kill them already!?" Someone in the crowd says. "Yea! Lets kill them!" Another yells. All the commotion and yelling makes Y/n sigh. "Fi-"

A crash is suddenly heard on the ship. You look up to the helicopter in the air and see it shot down onto the boat making it rock. Some people falling in the water other's trying to hang on.

"Fucking hell. What now?!"

Okok. I know I haven't posted in months. Almost a year but I wanna finish this book. Btw your comments are hilarious, i just have to keep this cringe book going. It will most likely end in a few chapters! Have a nice week guys. Pls share your ideas. Im running out man.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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