year 5 | chapter 1

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A third dementor appeared and tried to take Harry, but he quickly pulled his wand out, casting the Patronus charm against him. Harry fired it at the dementor choking me, and it was sent off as I fell to the ground gasping.

He shoved the dementor on Dudley away quickly before running over to help me up.

"You alright?" Harry asked me. I nodded, standing up shakily with his help and we made our way over to Dudley. He was trembling and whimpering on the ground.

"What do we do?" I asked Harry. Suddenly, a woman in a raincoat with a trolley appeared and walked quickly down to us.

"Mrs. Figg," Harry greeted her, recognizing her as our neighbor and putting away his wand.

"Don't put away your wand, Harry," she told him. "They might come back."

Harry and I exchanged a confused glance. She ushered us to follow her along and we helped Dudley up, supporting his weight as we walked home beside her.

"Dementors in Little Whinging," Mrs. Figg commented. "Whatever next? The whole world's gone topsy-turvy."

"I don't understand," Harry said, out of breath from practically carrying Dudley, "How did you know about--"

"Dumbledore told me to keep an eye on you two," she answered.

"Dumbledore?" Harry repeated.

"You know Dumbledore?" I asked.

"Uh-huh. After You-Know-Who killed that poor Diggory boy last year, did you expect him to let you two go wondering on your own?" she asked. "Merlin, kids, they told me you were intelligent. Now, get inside and stay there. I expect someone will be in touch soon. Whatever happens, don't leave the house."

Harry and I nodded, heading inside the house, dragging Dudley with us.

"Duddy?" Petunia said, looking at Dudley's lifeless body and expressionless face. "Vernon, come quick."

Harry and I sat Dudley on the chair where he sat staring at the floor, rocking back and forth.

"You have to take him to a hospital," Petunia whispered to Vernon, holding onto him tightly.

"Who did this to you, boy?" Vernon asked him. He whimpered quietly before pointing to Harry and me. Harry and I knew we could try to explain, but it wouldn't be worth it.

"Happy, are we now?" Vernon scoffed. "Eh? You've finally done it. You've finally driven him loopy!"

"Vernon! Don't say that!" Petunia whispered.

"Well, j-just look at him, Petunia!" Vernon stuttered. "Our boy has gone yumpy!"

"I've reached my limit, do you hear?" Vernon turned to us, waving the spoon he had in his hand. "This is the last I'm gonna take of you two and your nonsense!"

An owl suddenly flew in, dropping an envelope on the couch. The envelope flew up quickly before forming a face with purple lipstick.

"Dear, Mr. Potter," she read aloud, "the Ministry has received intelligence that at 6:23 this evening, you performed the Patronus Charm in the presence of a muggle. As a clear violation of the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery, you are hereby expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hoping you are well, Mafalda Hopkirk." She finished and the envelope returned to its normal form and fell to the floor.

"That's fucking ridiculous!" I shouted, standing abruptly.

"Justice," Vernon muttered with a grin. The Dursleys went outside, taking Dudley to the hospital while Harry and I went up to our room.

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