But is it called kidnapping when it's your fiancée you're kidnapping?

I sighed happily.

"Qu'est-ce qu'une belle femme comme toi fait ici toute seule?" Someone said and I turned to see a blond man smiling down at me, his hazel eyes shining.

"Oh, j'attends en fait mon fiancé." I said, smiling apologetically.

He sighs, "Pourquoi toutes les belles femmes sont déjà prises?" He mutter to himself, "Quoi qu'il en soit, votre fiancé est un homme chanceux."

"Je suis le chanceux pas lui," I said softly.

He shook his head and smiled.

"Je m'appelle Knox, êtes-vous français?"

"Hm, en partie, mon père est français."

Just as he was about to reply a hand snaked around my waist, pulling me back gently to a firm chest that I knew so well. I'd recognize that smell of pine and leather anywhere.

I craned my neck and smiled at my grumpy fiancé.

"You, baguette, stay away from ma femme." He snarled.

Az's french was.....interesting to say the least.

Knox barked out a laugh, "Eh bien, maintenant je comprends pourquoi tu as dit que tu étais le chanceux," he glanced at Az and winked at him, "Il est joli, n'est-ce pas ?"

I had a feeling he was doing it purposefully to rile him up. Oh, but he did rile me up.

"Oui il l'est, mais regarde-le encore et ça ne me dérangerait pas de te casser la tête." I told him sweetly.

"Knox, we need to get going." A voice grumbled from behind. All of us turned to see a tall man glaring at him. His whiskey coloured eyes cold and indifferent.

"Isaiah?" Az said, incredulously.

"Azrael? What are you doing here man?" The man asked, as they did one of those bro hugs.

"Came here with my fiancée," he said proudly, nestling me to his side.

"I'm Isaiah, Azrael's friend and buisness partner." He gave me a small smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

I smiled back and introduced myself

He turned to Az, "And I'm sorry about Knox. He's extra flirty after a couple of tequilas."

Knox shrugged, "J'ai vu une opportunité et je l'ai saisie,"

Isaiah raised a brow, "Pourquoi parles-tu encore en français?"

"Pour qu'il ne comprenne pas ce que je dis. J'ai l'impression qu'il va me jeter du haut de la Tour Eiffel s'il le fait."

"Any sane person would," he sighed, "Well, we'll leave you both to it. Have a wonderful night." He wished us both and dragged a struggling Knox behind him.

Az looked down at me and sighed, "I can't even leave you for five minutes, love." He grumbled and leaned down to kiss me softly.

"I love you, Angel boy." I felt him smile against my lips.

"I love you too," he murmured and wrapped a scarf around me and adjusted my beanie. I leaned into his warmth and sighed contentedly.

I tilted my head up to look at him. The streetlight fell on him, illuminating his chisseled features. His dark hair was as unruly as ever and his lips red from the cold,I really am so lucky to call him mine and not just because of his appearance.

He had a beautiful heart too.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He grinned and my breath caught.

"I can't believe that you're mine," I breathed.

His already red cheeks darkened and his cerulean eyes were tender as he regarded me, "I think that everytime I look at you, love."

And I thought back to the day I first met him, the boy with the prettiest eyes I'd ever seen and a smile that left me breathless.

I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

Azrael Vaughan Lewis. The love of my life.


I honestly don't know what I want to say. I started this story last year knowing that there wouldn't be any one interested in reading it. I remember being so excited when I got my first ten reads and now when I'm posting the last chapter, I can't believe that it's close to 50K.

I know there are many mistakes and God knows I need to improve a lot but I'm so thankful to all of you for supporting me and taking time to read my story. I will edit it in the future to make it better because honestly, I cringe so hard when I  read some of the chapters now.

So thank you. For everything.


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