Part 3: Snow explosion

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Jimmy's pov: I back away slowly from Scotts isolated kingdom and go back to my dark wooden hut in the swamps."What was that!" I shout at myself re-playing the sight of Scott in my head. I collapse onto my bed closing my eyes tightly. His eyes look hollow and empty, his hair had strands of white randomly spread, behind him his once warm and welcoming home was now dark and cold turning away any unwanted visitors. With thoughts racing rapidly through my head I eventually go to sleep.

*In the morning*

I open my eyes and get up slowly. The thoughts I had the night before had me thinking about the possibilities of why Scott was acting like this. I get out of bed and get ready for a long day.

I got outside and walk over to the frozen water under Scott's embacy. The ice had somehow gotten thicker and was transforming into small ice spikes.  I need Lizzie here. Just as though she read my mind Lizzie the ocean queen herself came floating down towards me and the ice.

"I was just going to Scott's when I saw you standing here," Lizzie looks at me and then the ice, "so it's gotten worse?" She says slightly approaching the ice.
"Yes it has but I tried to tell Scott but he just shut the door in my face!" I complain to Lizzie. Lizzie moves closer and closer to the ice. "I don't think you should be that close Lizzie." I reach my hand out to tug her away but then her blue hand touches the ice.

Ice spikes stab through the floors spreading snow and shards of destructive ice. I get pushed back violently and land in the water. Lizzie is no where to be seen.
"Lizzie!" I shout... No response. I get up quickly making my way towards the ice. "Lizzie!" I shout out over and over again. I look around until I see Lizzie. Fear in her eyes. Her hand still touching the ice. Frozen like a statue. She is covered in ice. "Lizzie! No no no no no!" I cry collapsing next to her. "This can't happen no..."I whisper. I grab my hair in panic and cry violently next to her statue until I fall asleep from exhaustion.

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