Part 2: Scott's pov

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I'm so cold. I'm practically freezing in my own skin. My house is covered in a blanket of ice and so am I. "None of this would of happened if I never made that deal!" I shout at myself, pacing back and forth, breathing heavily attempting to calm myself. The more stress I'm under the Less control I have on these magical ice powers. I walk over to the frosted window and brush away the thin ice.
I spot a figure with wings soaring towards my empire. "Who Is that?" I whisper squinting to see clearer.

"Scott! Are you home?" I hear the person shout. Fortunately, the voice in familiar.
"Hello??" I now recognise the voice. I run down the stairs and unlock the door slightly just so he can see a small fraction of me. I don't want him to worry about my new abilities.
"Um...hello Jimmy. Why are you here." I say dryly staring at Jimmy.
"Are you alright,Scott? Can I come in?" Jimmy asks concern all over his face.
"No. I'm fine. Have a good day bye!" I stutter slamming the door and locking it before he can question the cold surrounding my home. I take off my cloak and head up the stairs. I stare at the shining crystals in the sky out my window. I see Jimmy backing away from my empty Empire and slowly walking back to the swamp.
I dont deserve such an amazing empire, such caring friends and such a loving boyfriend, Jimmy. "I need sleep." I think heading to bed and slowly falling asleep.

~Authors note~

Kinda short but oh well :>

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