Chapter 11

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As Shoukaku, Shiho, and Maho kept walking in the forest for a few are minutes they managed to head to there destination, and for Shiho and Maho they are shocked

Yellow Birds are at the clear runaway and were fixing some planes that landed to the carrier after they engaged the enemies a few hours ago and they are doing it in a fast pace

As The Yellow birds saw Shoukaku, Shoukaku goes near one of them and whispered something to them and then the yellow bird spreads it to the others causing them to slowly return the planes to the secret hangar one by one 

Shoukaku: It seems Miho left the Manjuu's worried about due to her safety

Maho: Why?

Shoukaku: They said she ordered them to retreat as more enemies came and she promise to return to them when they all escape, I'm impress, she managed to last long at the battlefield in the skies

as she heard this, her eyes widen and she started to fear Miho's safety with Shiho noticing this and tries to calm her down and spoke

Shiho: Maho, she's safe now

Maho: But what if-

Shoukaku: I'll stop her then

Shiho: What do you mean?

Shoukaku: Since Miho seems to love piloting these planes, I have to take her under my wing and tell her when to stop acting a hero and cooperate with the others, what do you say Ms. Shiho

Shiho: I'll think about it

Shoukaku: Very well then, I'll wait for your response, please head back to the hospital, Miho might be probably awake

and so the two left Shoukaku, and as they disappeared from Shoukaku's view, Shoukaku pulls out her phone and then calls someone

Shoukaku: Have you found my sister there?

"Negative, it seems she hides her presence from us so we can't detect her wisdom cube, after all her ship was made a floating city"

Shoukaku: I see, keep looking then 

and then she ended the call and then headed to the hospital

At the Hospital 

We could see Miho slowly waking up 

Miho: Ugh my head

as she said this her friends started gathering around her but they kept some distance incase Miho need to breathe some air

Saori: Miho are you alright

Miho: Y-Yeah I'm alright, just a little dizzy

Hana: Idiot, Leaving us out of the blue and returning and near death state you should apologize

Miho: Sorry about that

Mako: Your also worried Ms. Shiho and Maho

Miho: Wait Maho and Mom are here?!

Yukari: Well there ship was close to our direction when the attack happened

Miho: Oh crap-


and then everyone turned around saw Maho and Shiho standing at the doorway 

and then the Maho lunged to her sister and hugs her quite tightly

Miho: S-Sister n-need air

Maho: Sorry

And then Maho stopes tightening her hug and then she spoke

Maho: You worried me and Mom so much when we saw you in a near death state, you idiot

Miho: Gomen nasai, it won't happen again

You are correct there Ms. Miho

And then Miho looked for the person who said that to her and saw Shoukaku

Somehow Zuina is like her in Miho's view

To be continued

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