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'I will get him Nezuko '

At the sound of the raspy voice, Nezuko blinked open her eyes. She was surrounded by darkness. She seemed to be dreaming.
"Hello?" she called, timidly. She saw a circle of light ahead, so she ran towards it. It looked like the outline of a person, she paused for a moment, trying to figure out who it was.
"Nezuko!" they called, the voice was so familiar... it sounded just like...
"Muichiro!" Nezuko smiled, he would know how to get out of this for sure. He always knew what to do. She ran quickly towards him, smiling widely.
She reached out to grab his hand, but he disappeared. She blinked, and looked around.
"Muichiro ... Muichiro ! Where are you? Please don't play with me! I need your help! Please I want to get out of here!" she cried, tears formed behind her eyes. She was scared.

'I told you I would have him Nezuko, you can not defeat me now'

A giant dark wave came swiftly towards her. Nezuko screamed with all her might. The darkness washed over her, and all she could think about was Muichiro.

"Nezuko! Nezuko!" Tanjiro whispered, "Wake up Nezuko !"
Nezuko awoke with a start, sweat trailed down her forehead. She blinked her eyes and turned to her brother.
"Tanjiro ..."
Tanjiro stared at her with concern, "You were screaming and crying for Muichiro. Did you have a nightmare or something?"

She nodded, and thought of Muichiro .
"I need to see Muichiro right now," she insisted, climbing out of her bed. She pulled on a sweater and socks.
"But - ," Tanjiro stated, "It's 3 in the morning."
Nezuko looked at her older brother, "I think he knows I'm coming. This dream wasn't ordinary, Tanjiro . I need to make sure he's safe."
With that, she grabbed her shoes, and left the house. Nezuko walked the two blocks to Muichiro's as fast as she could. She came up to his door, and sighed. Should she do this? Would he believe her? She decided that his safety was more important.
She banged on the door, "Muichiro! Muichiro! Please answer!"
She peeked in the window and noticed a figure coming towards the door. The door swung open, and there stood Muichiro, with his usual grin on his face.
"Hey Nezuko," he said, "Would you like to come in?"
She smiled at him and processed inside his house. He lead her upstairs to his room, and they sat down on his bed.
"Muichiro," she began, "I... I had a dream tonight... about you... and the darkness."
Muichiro stared at her with interest.
"It - It wants to take you away from me!" she cried, looking away from him. The tears formed behind her eyes again, but this time she couldn't hold them in.
"It was so scary," she choked, "You disappeared, right before my eyes..."
Muichiro frowned at her, "Nezuko..."
She turned to him, "I don't want anything to happen to you because of me! I couldn't live with myself if anything like that happened! mean so much to me... If anything were to happen to you, I don't know what I would do."
The tears were freely falling quickly down her face now. She bowed her head and sobbed quietly.
Muichiro put his finger under her chin and lifted her head up, "Nezuko ... please, don't cry. Nothing will happen to me. We'll always be together, you've got to believe that. Do you know why I choose to be with you even though this darkness seems to haunt you?"
She shook her head no, and continued to look into his eyes.
"Because..." he began, "I love you Nezuko. More than life itself. You are my light in the dark and nothing can change what you mean to me. We've been through everything together. I need you in my life. I've loved you since the first time we started getting closer. Protecting you was like... my job. And I felt needed. You made me feel needed. But now, I need you. Just like you needed me. I love you Nezuko Kamado..."

Nezuko couldn't believe what she was hearing, Muichiro loved her? She closed her eyes and cried harder.
Muichiro's eyes went wide at this, "Nezuko- I'm - I'm so sorry, please don't cry..."
Nezuko shook her head at him, "Silly Muichiro... I love you too..."
Muichiro smiled and embraced her. Nezuko nuzzled her face into his neck, and sighed happily. Muichiro kissed her forehead lovingly, and looked down at her.
"Nezuko... will you be my girlfriend?"
Nezuko smiled and looked back at him, "Of course."
He smiled and fell back on the bed, bringing Nezuko with him.
She giggled, and stared at her boyfriend.
"Muichiro ... kiss me," she said, calmly. She smiled innocently at him.
Muichiro grinned, and moved closer to her face. Soon, the gap between their faces was filled. The kiss was sweet and innocent, yet so heated at the same time. Muichiro wrapped his arms more tightly around her, and pulled her close. Nezuko giggled into his mouth, and brought her hands to the nape of his neck and played with his hair. He ran his tongue along her bottom lip. Nezuko smiled, and open her mouth. Soon after, their tongues danced and played with each other. They broke for air seconds later, their faces warm from the heat of the moment.
"Wow..." giggled Nezuko.
"Wow indeed," said Muichiro , he let go of her and smiled.
"Holy shit," said Nezuko, looking at her watch, "It's 4 now. Tanjiro will be getting worried. I better get home."
Muichiro frowned, but stood up with her. He walked her to the door, and said goodbye. He grabbed her face in his hands, and kissed her softly.
"I love you Nezuko ."
"I love you too."
She walked out the door, and sighed. She was glad she came to check on Muichiro.

Chilling time with Muinezu💗☁️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon