Ch.18 Evidence

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Alice was still surprised at what happened. Her son had defeated the Dollmaker. She then jumped off the train and floated down, it's a special power she has that helps her land unhurt. She landed on the ground and went up to Alistair.

"You did it" she gasped.

"I can't believe I actually did it" Alistair said.

Alice then pulled him into a hug and squeezed him.

"Mom" he said as he tried to gasp for air "A little tight".

"Oh sorry" she said as she stopped hugging him "It's just I never would of thought of killing him through his heart, I didn't even know he had a heart".

"I didn't either" he said.

"Well thank goodness he's gone now" she said "Hopefully".

Just then, Wonderland was getting better, the skies changed back to blue, the flowers bloomed, the river was clean, everything in Wonderland was now cured.

"Hey" Maddie said "Maybe the students turned back to their normal selves".

Everyone ran to the door and opened it, to their surprise, everyone had changed back! No more red eyes, cracked and stitched skin.

"Raven!" Maddie ran up and tackled Raven in a hug "You're ok!"

"I guess" Raven said as she rubbed her head "I had a dream that I tried to kill you".

"Oh that wasn't a dream" Maddie said "The Dollmaker actually turned you and everyone else into evil dolls".

"The Dollmaker?"

"I'll explain later".

"Where are we?" Ashlynn asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"Wonderland" Lizzie said.

"Wonderland?" everyone said.

"It's a long story" Lizzie said "Well explain later, but now everyone needs to get back to Ever After High".

"How?" they asked.

"Just follow us" Alice said as everyone followed the Wonderlandians to the Well of Wonder.

"Everyone jump into the well and it's take you guys to Ever After" Alice said as one by one the students jumped into the well and transported back to Ever After High along with the Wonderlandians. There they told everyone what had happened.

"So let me get this straight" Cupid said "I shot an arrow in Alistair's butt?"

"Yeah" the girls giggled.

"Can we not bring that up?" Alistair demanded.

"And this Dollmaker guy used to be Alice's psychologist that killed her family and turned her mad?" Apple said.

"Yep" Alistair said.

"I'm sorry you never got to meet your grandparents" Apple said sadly.

"It's ok".

"What is going on here?" Headmaster Grimm demanded as he walked pass the crowd of students and to the Wonderlandians.

"It's a long story" Tony said.

"Headmaster" Alistair said "I've got evidence that proves that I didn't vandalize your office, or cut up your clothes" he turned to Faybelle "Or handcuffed you guys to the bench" he said to Hunter and Dexter "Or even untuing your guitar" he said to Sparrow. He then turned to Maddie "Show them".

"Blondie" Maddie said as she plugged the tiny camera into her mirror pad "Would you make the screen bigger?"

Blondie made the screen appear above everyone like a video presentation. The video showed the Wonderlandians talking with Alistair's clone while the real Alistair was next to him. It even showed the student dolls they faced.

"Wow" Dexter said as he watched his puppet self "I look, creepy".

"Oh my gosh" Ashlynn said as she watched her doll self and Hunter try to kill the Wonderlanders on the bridge.

Everyone laughed when Lizzie pulled the arrow out of Alistair's butt, Alistair slapped his head.

"Why did we have to show that?" he muttered.

After the video was over, Grimm had a shocked look.

"I-I don't know what to say" he said.

"How about, 'I'm sorry I didn't believe you and you're off the hook?" Alistair suggested.

"Well" Grimm sighed "Since you showed evidence, I apologize and you're off the hook".

"Thank you" Alistair smiled.

"Now" Grimm said "Since it's still a school day, everyone get back to class".

Sorry, short chapter, but there's more coming soon

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