Ch.17 Madness overload

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The Dollmaker's hands crawled on their fingers, one of the hands tried to grab Maddie, but she used her Vorpal blade to stab it's doll face which caused it to back away.

"Guys" she said "I think their weak spots are the doll faces".

"Got it" Kitty said as she moved before a hand could slap her.

A hand then grabbed Bunny and began to crush her.

"Bunny!" Lizzie screamed as she threw some of her razor cards at the hand, the cards pierced the skin of the hand and it dropped Bunny as she gasped for air. The hand then made a fist and raised it up to smash her, but she rolled out of the way and the hand smashed the ground. The other hand was trying to grab Dina, but she shot pepper bullets at the doll face and was able to poke the eyes out.

"Man Dina" Marchness said "You're like the eye poker of this group".

"Yeah" she agreed, remembering the time she poked out a bandersnatch's eye.

But then the hand she shot raised up to swat them, but they moved out as the hand swatted the air.

"So much fear" the Dollmaker said "So much madness to come".

A hand was trying to get Lizzie, but she used her hobby horse she swat it, but then with all her strength, she was able to whack the doll face out of the hand and she smashed it with the hobby horse. The hand without the doll face then flew away.

"One down" she said "One more to go".

But the other hand with the doll face was still attacking the group. It flicked it's finger onto Kitty which flew her across the ground, she felt something dripping from her nose, she tap it and found that it was blood coming from her nose. She showed her sharp feline teeth as she teleported to the hand and used her claws to scratch the doll face, she was finally able to scratch it off the hand, and Lizzie smashed it with her hobby horse.

"Such clever kids" the Dollmaker said "But let's see how well you'll handle-".

The Dollmaker was interrupted by the Infernal train that flew over him.

"Is that the-" was all Maddie could say.

"The Infernal train" the Dollmaker finished.

The train flew down to the gang and they saw Alice at the controller.

"Hey guys" she waved.

"Alice?!" everyone gasped as she opened the door and Alistair came out.

"Alistair!" Maddie gasped "You're ok!".

"Thanks to my mom" he said as he waved to Alice who flew the train back up where she parked it in the air and she climbed on top of the train to face the Dollmaker.

"Long time no see Dr. Bumby" she frowned to the Dollmaker.

"Ah Alice" the Dollmaker said "It's been a while, and you're still your mad self".

"But not as mad as before" she said.

"I remember those days, you were insane".

"Actually, the only one who was insane was you. You tried to corrupt my Wonderland, but I'm not letting you do it again".

"I could of helped you Alice, you could of been cured, you could of forgotten".

"Abandoned the memories of my family?! All you did was made me worse. Now thanks to you, Alistair never got to meet his grandparents".

"Oh, the poor lad" the Dollmaker gave a chuckle, he then turned to Alistair "I must say Alice, your son does look like you, I can feel his madness and fears. But is he brave to face this?".

One of the Dollmaker's hand came back and made a fist to smash Alistair, but he moved as the hand smashed the ground. The other hand came back as well, it landed in front of the gang, both hands didn't have the doll faces.

"What?" Lizzie gasped "I thought we finished these hands".

"Well how are we gonna finish them now?" Bunny asked "They don't have faces anymore".

"You can stay and watch your son get crushed" the Dollmaker said to Alice.

"I'd rather you kill me" Alice said with confidence.

"I would kill you, but I want to see you suffer first".

The Dollmaker then created an invisible wall between Alice and the gang, Alice watched through the wall as the hands surrounded the gang.

The hands then started to attack the Wonderlanders again, one of the hands tried to grab Alistair, but he used his sword to stab it as he ran from it.

"So how are we suppose to get rid of these?!" Kitty asked as she ran from a hand.

"I don't know!" Lizzie yelled as she whacked the other hand away from her.

"Madness is not a state of mind" the Dollmaker said "Madness is a place. And this, is madness overload".

As a hand was chasing the group, Cari turned the knob on her hookah to ice, she quickly inhaled it and blew out ice onto the floor in front of the hand, the hand then slipped on the ice and fell onto the ground. The other hand was trying to get Alistair, but he was too quick and the hand kept missing him. But as the hand tried to grab him, he swung the sword and was able to cut off a piece of a finger, but the hand kept going after him.

"Now can I end this?" Alistair asked himself as he ran from the hand "How can I defeat the Dollmaker?"

But then, the hand then grabbed onto him and brought him up in the air.

"Alistair!" everyone cried as they tried to get him, but the other hand swatted them away. Alistair struggled to get the hand to let go, but the hand just squeezed him harder. But he remembered that his free arm held the sword, so he used it to stab the hand and make a slice which caused the hand to drop him onto the ground, he felt his ankle sprain, but it didn't stop him from getting up.

"Come on Alistair" he said to himself "You can do this".

He looked at the Dollmaker, the one who had betrayed his mother and turned her mad.

"What are you gonna do Wonderboy?" the Dollmaker asked "You know I'm more powerful then you, and more clever then you".

"Oh really?" Alistair said with a small grin "If you're more clever then me, then why don't you name 6 impossible thing?"

The Wonderlandians and the hands got stopped fighting to watch them.

"6 impossible things?" the Dollmaker said "Why, a lot of things are impossible".

"But nothing is impossible in Wonderland" Alistair said "In fact, I think of 6 impossible things before breakfast".

"Name them" the Dollmaker said.

"All right. 1-There's a potion that can make you shrink. 2-There's a cake that can make you grow. 3-Animals can talk. 4-Cats can disappear".

"That's me" Kitty raised her hand.

"5-There's a place called Wonderland. And 6-I can slay anything".

And with that Alistair threw the sword at the Dollmaker and it pierced through his heart. The Dollmaker cried in pain as it began to plunge down, but Kitty quickly teleported to the sword and pulled it out and teleported back to the group just as the Dollmaker plunged down. The Dollmaker's hands suddenly vanished, and the invisible wall went away. Alistair has defeated the Dollmaker.

Yay! I knew her could do it!

More coming soon!

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