Ch.16 Clone fight

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"Alistair" Maddie said nervously "I don't know if you should do this".

"Just find the Dollmaker" Alistair said.


But before she could finish, Alistair's clone used his powers to push everyone away and they fell on the ground, the clone then blocked the gate with a black wall. Alistair and his clone walked around in circles as they looked at each other with defensive looks.

"You scared Wonderboy?" his clone asked as he gave an evil smile.

"No" Alistair said with confidence as he held up his sword.

"Then let's begin" his clone said as he shot out some purple light at Alistair, but he quickly moved as the magic missed. But the clone then raised up some sharp rocks from the ground, but Alistair moved out of the way as they came out. Alistair tried to strike with his sword, but the clone used his powers to push him back and the sword fell out of his hand.

"This should be easy" his clone grinned.

Meanwhile, the rest of the gang had gotten up and tried to see what Alistair and his clone were doing, but the black wall prevented them from seeing.

"I hope Alistair's ok" Maddie said nervously.

"I'm sure he is" Kitty said "But now we need to find the Doll-".

Just then, the ground beneath their feet started to rumble like an earthquake, and then out from the edge off the ground popped up the giant Dollmaker. He had tar in his eyes, black and red fingernails, doll heads on his hands that also had nails impaled in his skin along with stitches. (Here's a pic of him). The Wonderlandians were shocked at what they were seeing.

"I think I just wet myself" Tony said.

"Well well" the Dollmaker said in a deep voice "If it isn't the Wonderland kids, I've been expecting you mad people. You like the new Wonderland? It reflects everyone's madness".

The Wonderlandians were too scared to speak.

"It seems that Alistair Wonderland isn't with us" the Dollmaker said "I remember his mother, she was a beautiful and mad patient. Always yammering about the fire, going crazy with hallucinations about her precious Wonderland. But now, I'm back, and no one can stop me".

"But we will" Lizzie said with confidence as she held her hobby horse.

The Dollmaker stared at them with his tar eyes.

"Very well" he said. Just then his hands unraveled from his wrists and landed in front of the gang on their fingers. The Wonderlandians knew this was battle time.

Back with Alistair and his clone, his clone shot out some dangerous light at Alistair, but he quickly rolled away to his sword that had fallen out of his hands. He grabbed the sword just as his clone was about to strike again, but he swung the sword at his clone and was able to cut his face. The clone gave a small cry in pain as he touched the slice mark on his cheek from Alistair's sword and looked at the blood on his fingers. He looked at Alistair who had gotten back up, he gave him an angry look for cutting his cheek and shot out some more light from his hands, but Alistair pulled out his umbrella shield and shield himself from the ball of light. The clone made a hole appear under Alistair, but he quickly ran out of the way and on the ground as the hole sealed up. The clone then created fire that spread around them in the form of a circle, now Alistair couldn't run any where.

"Give up?" his clone asked.

"Never" he said.

The clone then gave a nasty smile as he used telekinesis to grab Alistair's throat and began to choke him. Alistair felt the force squeezing the breathe out of him as he dropped his sword, he struggled to find a way to stop his clone, but his clone then stopped chocking him and he fell to the ground and tried to catch his breath.

"Oh you pathetic wimp" his clone said as he went up to him. Alistair quickly picked up his sword and pointed it at his clone.

"Do you even know who you're fighting?" his clone asked "I'm your madness, your bad side, your nightmare, I'm your biggest fear".

"I'm not afraid of you" Alistair said.

"Oh really?" his clone asked with sarcasm. He then created some purple clouds around him, and he began to levitate with the clouds under him. He then shot some lighting at Alistair, who quickly moved out of the way. His clone then shot of some more lighting, but Alistair shield himself with his umbrella shield, the lighting bounced off the shield and straight to Alistair's clone, who moved just before the lighting could strike him. He then created balls of lighting in his hands. Alistair just laid on the ground with his eyes widen.

"You scared now huh?" his clone asked with a small smile. Alistair was indeed scared, but he held up his bravery.

"Now I'm gonna do what I should of done a long time ago" his clone said "Just take these lighting balls, and shove them right up your hairy-".

But before he could finish, a train smacked right into him.

Hey, this scene sounds familiar

Alistair gasped as the train flew by, but it then stopped and ran backwards and then stopped in front of him. And there controlling the train was Alice.

"Hey" she said to him "I've found the Infernal train".

"Mom?!" he gasped "But-how did you-".

"It's a long story, which I don't have time to explain, just get in" she lowered the train to the ground and flipped a switch which opened a door in the train "We've got Wonderland to save".

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