Meeting Him

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A/N: Special thanks to @xilyye  and @Xxbittersweet_RoseXx for the inspiration of Ryan. Please go check out their amazing stories.

Third Person POV:

Sam and Colby had just started their senior year at Kingston High. Both boys can't wait till they graduate from high school. Both boys, two lockers apart, grabbed their things and headed off towards their first period, World History.

As both boys sat down and talked to each other they both noticed a lonely new kid. As class started and attendance was done, they both realized the boy was named Ryan Ortega.

Colby's POV:

"Alright class our first assignment this month is a project about an important and influential part of history." Our teacher Ms.Smith said making everyone either high five or groan."I will be picking partners so listen up," I then turned towards Sam. "Who do you think you're going to be paired up with?" I asked him. "Who knows, I just hope that my future partner helps me with the work," Sam said. "Same," I agreed.

"Kira and Sally, Mike and Robert, Sam and Tobias, and lastly Cole and Ryan. Now everyone go sit with your new partner," our teacher demanded. I got up and waved to Sam as I walked to sit next to Ryan. "Hi I'm Cole but I prefer Colby," I greeted as I sat down next to him. "The name's Ryan cutie," he replied as he winked at me. I felt myself slightly blush.

Just as the bell rang for second period, Ryan and I swapped numbers so we can work on our project after school. "So how's working with Ryan?" Sam asked as he and I were at our lockers. "Eh, he's ok. He called me cute though," I told him.

"He what?" Sam asked. I turn to see Sam with his mouth slightly agape. "Yeah after he told me his name he said I was cute," I replied as I shrugged my shoulders. The rest of the day went by real quick. Ryan met me by my locker so we can go to my house and work on our project.

As we were in my room sitting on my bed, Ryan couldn't stop looking at me. I just shrugged it off and kept on working. "Um, Ryan are you ok cause you keep on staring at me?" I asked him after about half an hour of me doing most of the work. "Oh I'm good but you on the other hand," he said as he moved close to me. "Are fine," he then eyed me up and down.

I then leaned back as Ryan began leaning into me. "Um, Ryan what are y-" he cut me off by kissing me. I just sat there in shock for a good minute until I felt myself kissing back. Soon enough it got pretty heated as Ryan laid me down on my bed and hovered over me without breaking the kiss. I then felt Ryan reaching for my pants. "Ryan, wait," I said as I pulled away. "What's wrong?" He asked me. "W-well we barely just met and I'm not ready yet," I replied. "I understand, you just don't like me right?" Ryan asked. "No I do, but I think we should take it slow and get to know each other better," I suggested. "Yeah sure that's fine," he replied.

The next day Sam and I were at our lockers getting our stuff for first period. "So how did it go yesterday?" Sam asked while referring to Ryan and me working at my house. "Oh you know we got some work done followed by us making out," I replied while slightly blushing. "Wait-wait hold up you guys made out?!" Sam asked with a shocked face. I just nodded my head. "We might've also almost had sex," I added. "Colby!" Sam exclaimed. "I said almost!" I said back. "Doesn't matter Colby, you can't have sex with someone you just met," Sam replied. "I know that's why we decided to go slow and get to know each other better," I explained.

"Ok, just be careful, yeah?" Sam replied with worry in his voice. "Don't worry Sam I will," I replied with a smile on my face. "Also, I didn't know you were gay?" Sam asked me. "I-I didn't know either. I struggled these last few years with my sexuality but yesterday confirmed that I am." The rest of the week Ryan and I worked together during class and went out on dates after school. The only thing is that I have to tell my parents that I have to go work on our project since they don't know that I am gay or that Ryan and I are dating. 

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