ix. inhibitor chips

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inhibitor chips

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"Omega stay with me," he begged, "stay with me."

She placed her hands on the edge of the bed, trying to restrain herself from having another coughing fit.

"Omega you have to tell me, what did the empire do to you?"

Omega moved her hand from the edge of her seat to wipe the blood off her lip. She then used the same hand to point to the side of her head. She was almost too weak to speak, so she could only say-

"Inhibitor chip."


Her hand fell from where she was pointing to her head, falling to her side, as the last of her energy slipped away from her, as she went into a coma. Echo put the mask on her, trying to get her some oxygen, which helped her current state, but not much.

"What happened?" Echo asked.

"She said she has an inhibitor chip."

"But that's not possible."

"I don't know. At this point, anything can be possible."

"This is still very close to impossible."

"Tech," Hunter said once, ignoring Echo, with no response from Tech. "Tech!"

"Can you be quiet! I'm fixing the ship! It's not just the hyperdrive I'm dealing with!" he shouted back.

"This is more important than the goddamn ship!"

"If you don't shut up we're all going to blow up like Echo did at the Citadel!"

"Make fun of my past, why don't you?" Echo shouted at Tech from the back of the ship.

"What are we going to do?" Hunter asked Echo, clearly worried about Omega.

"We have to remove the chip," Echo said, also worried.

"But that's dangerous, Echo. She could die from that alone."

"What else are we going to do Hunter?!" Echo whisper-yelled, so that Tech wouldn't hear them arguing. "Are we just going to leave it there and have her suffer?"

"I wasn't saying that either," Hunter muttered.

"Are you drunk or something?! Because something isn't making sense. There's no other option. We have to remove it."

"Could you listen to me for a second?"

"Fine, then what were you saying?"

"I don't remember what I was going to say now."

"You've been drinking so much you're starting to lose your memory."

"I'm. Not. Drunk. Echo."

"Hey guys," Wrecker said, leaving the cockpit, and entering the back of the ship where Hunter and Echo were.

"Aren't you supposed to be helping Tech?" Echo asked.

"No, not anymore. He said I was more of a distraction than help," Wrecker said. "Hey, what happened to the kid?"

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