Chapter Fifty-Seven: Planning

Start from the beginning

Jay distractedly pushed his uneaten food away and picked up the list Mouse had distributed.  Soldier Field which opened in 1924 as Grant Park Municipal Stadium was renamed a year later at the behest of Chicago Gold Star Mothers.  The venue capacity was noted at 61,500.  Definitely a bigger catchment than any prior target King had chosen but that in itself might be what would attract him to it. Eyeing the clock he noted there were four hours till the concert was due to begin but there would already be people waiting to enter the stadium as most opened well in advance.

"It's too late now to carry out a preliminary sweep of the stadium," the weary Detective put in sharing a knowing glance with Al, the only other man in the room with full recon experience, "people will already be queing up and personnel will be in place."
"But if the Fans are outside why can't we check it out?" Adam demanded.
"Too big an area to do a proper check," Al proferred the explanation, "we don't have enough time to do a thorough job."
"What if they cancelled the gigs?" Antonio looked around the group.
"Too late for that," Voight shook his head, "Fans are already there. It would only create chaos outside."
"Better than worse inside," Kevin morosely muttered, not likely the unpredictable nature of the task ahead, "so what do we do?"
"We'll concentrate our main personnel on Soldier Field," the Sergeant wiped his hands on a paper napkin then made short work of dispensing the cartons and other items before heading for the  door purposefully, "we leave in fifteen."

The others quickly followed the older mans' example in cleaning up their meal debris then headed out.  The Unit members automatically headed to the Locker Room to get their tactical gear bags. HS Assistant Director Murphy and Parker were the last to leave the Break Room.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Murphy reluctantly admitted to his friend and colleague.
"Because King might know we're here?"
"No!" the older man scoffed, his fellow New Yorker knew him better than that.
"Well what is it that's got you worried then?"
"Soldier Field is really upping the ante ..,"
"The capacity is 61,500.  That could mean catastrophic numbers in fatalities and serious injuries if King uses the stolen supplies."
"That's a given but we knew all that earlier.   What's really got you worried?" Parker probed keenly, he knew his companion well.
"Okay so he's the main reason we're here but what else is going on in that mind of yours?"
"Don't you think it's strange that for all the animosity King has for him he  hasn't killed him?"
"He's come close and .....,"
"Yeah but he's had the opportunity to make certain sure Halstead was killed but he never took it."
"So you're upset he didn’t?" the Psychologist frowned wrily, for once he couldn’t follow the older mans' thinking.
"Get serious," Murphy scoffed, "what I'm worried about is this is all a smokescreen to ....,"
"..... get to Jay," Parker concluded grimly.

21st Garage

Unbeknownst to the two New Yorkers a similar conversation was taking place in the garage as Al, Jay, Adam, Antonio and Kevin readied their weapons.

"Soldier Field is a mighty big target," Al noted as he finished dismantling his rifle and checking the various parts with a practised ease, "this could be a decoy ...,"
"To go after me," Jay calmly stated as he cleaned the scope lens of his rifle, "it's a possibility."
"You considered it already?" Kevin checked.
"With King it's best to consider every possibility.  The New York link might be just to throw us off."
"It's tenuous at best," Antonio considered the matter, "but whether he's going to target the AD and Parker or you instead of civilians tonight we'll be on guard."
"So this could all be for nothing?" Adam gestured to the group getting ready to do their best to save all attending Soldier Field.
"Let's hope so," Jay wished aloud with genuine sincerity, he would much prefer to be the target instead of innocent people out for a good time at a concert.
"We don't really have any chance of stopping a group with that many rifles do we?" Antonio questioned sombrely as he pulled on his bulletproof vest.
"It would depend on how many people King hired," Al assessed, "but as we discussed he's unlikely to trust a large number with his plans.  The more people know the more his risk is increased."

"Everyone ready to go in five?" Voight asked as he approached the men.
"Sarge we were discussing if Soldier Field is just a decoy and Jay is the target," Adam looked over at the Sergeant.
"Thought of that but we don't have a choice.  We have to act on the message," Voight  conceded as he sent the Detective in question a stern look, "besides if Halstead's the target he's going to be hard to pin down because he's going to be with two of us at all times once we're on site ....,"
"Like hell Sarge!"
"'Like hell' and anyhing else Halstead," the blunt Sergeant glared at the younger man unrepentantly, "last time I checked I run this Unit.  You'll do as I say or you can stay here ....... under guard."

The Sergeants' ultimatum had everyones' eyes directed towards Jay.  Anger at this latest curtailment of his independence coursed through the weary man as he avoided all but one persons' scrutiny.  Adam wondered how he could avoid the inevitable confrontation.  His friend was not easy to rile but on those rare occasions when   anger was displayed by the normally stoic man it was usually best to vacate the area.  Sharing a look with Al he pleaded silently for aid.  The older man was the only one who had some chance of convincing Voight to relent.  Jay intended to be on Sniper duty, they all knew that.  That task did not necessitate an audience but more importantly his recovering friend would be concerned about manpower being wasted protecting him.  For his part Al caught his former Partners' look and knew immediately what was needed.  Hell just when did he get nominated as the one who had to wrestle the bear?!

Antonio and Kevin grimaced as the tension threatened to suffocate them.  This was going to get ugly and no one liked ugly  .....


Uniforms - Uniformed/Patrol Police

Gold Star
Mothers  - A private non-profit
                   organisation of American
                   Mothers who lost Sons or
                   Daughters in service to the
                   U.S. Armed Forces.

Recon      - Reconnaissance

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