Chapter 15: Shock and confusion

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Bea landed on the ground of the slightly cold forest after being pushed out of the dark door. That nightmare had ended, and they were back to their normal lives. All she wanted to do right now was get out of this forest and find her dad, Aunt Marie, and Lyla who were probably now despairing of ever finding any of them. She stood up and grinned. Everyone else was on the ground too and they too stood. Kevin and Holy started jumping up and down with joy and watched along with everyone as the dark door disappeared.

"We are alright." Holy said.

"Of cause we are." Cecil said as if he had known it all along.

"Guys. Can we just get out of this forest? I don't want to stand here any longer." Cloe said before they all agreed and started getting out by taking the shortest way by going ahead and walking along the lake all the way back to the house.

"Thanks for keeping your promise." Holy said to Bea. She had promised she would try her best to get the out, and she had.

"You're welcome." She smiled down at her.

"I told you everything was going to be alright." Cody said before he held Bea's hand.

"Yah, you did. And you were right." She said.

"They're still here!" Kevin shouted more with excitement than shock when they reached the lake house. The backdoor was ajar and the windows were wide open. How come they were still here? And how come there wasn't anyone searching for them? They were no police men or search team gathered around and everything seemed calm. Like everything was alright. 

Kevin and Holy ran to the door and everyone else followed behind. As they drew nearer, Bea had laughter coming from inside. She squinted and frowned to show confusion and she noticed Cody, who was slightly pulling her hand than holding it because she couldn't move fast because of her confusion, was wearing the same expression as her. 

Holy was so euphoric that she literally pushed the door open in an instant. It swung so fast and opened so wide that Bea noticed the laughter stop and Aunt Marie, Tom and Lyla whom were all sitting on the sofas stared at Holy with confusion.

"Mom!" Holy shouted before running to her mom and hugging her before Kevin did so too.

"Dad!" Bea said before running to give him a hug making Cody to let go of her hand and go give his mom a hug.

"Okay.... Why are you so happy to see us?" Aunt Marie asked with confusion. They all looked confused. The first thing Bea saw when she pulled back from her dad was confusion.

"Why aren't you guys searching for us?" Carly had to ask.

"Yeah, why are you all so calm?" Cloe asked.

But the only respond they got where more confused manifestations.

"How long have we been gone?" Cody asked breaking the silence. He wasn't sure how long exactly they had been gone but he was sure it had to have been days.

A Gift Of Magic 3: Stuck In Witch VilleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon