There were so many what if's, that were swirling in her mind. What if she can't be able to get a hold on her hospital? What if krishna kumari aunty mistaken Abhijith to someone else? What if she gets herself landed into trouble with this marriage? What if her mother gets to know about her treacherous act? and so on.

All those thoughts that are striking her mind made her feel suffocated and impossible to breathe. She needed fresh air at that moment and slid the window down on her side.

Still driving the car, Abhijith was contemplating his decision too. He was in conflict on how to explain and hide his marriage of convenience from his friends. They wanted a real marriage for him, but there he was deceiving them.

According to him, Sangeetha is a heartless, arrogant and calculative bitch, and the perfect choice to marry. Because, when in future he wants divorce, there'll be no feelings involved, no hearts broken and no mess sticked. And he thought Rishi would understand too as he already knew what kind of a human Sangeetha is.

But to his surprise and disappointment, Rishi and Mamatha were getting too involved with Sangeetha, making this much harder for him. He was still wondering on why Rishi wanted him marry an arrogant prude like Sangeetha. Their past encounter was a terrible one, but to the contrary, Rishi was acting too weird for his liking, claiming Sangeetha as his sister.

He didn't understand what kind of sorcery possessed his friend's mind. Uncertainty knocked him, on how long to pretend in front of them. He decided to make his friends hate Sangeetha somehow, but he didn't know how. With all thoughts buzzing like a bee, he wanted peace and only music could distract him, so he played a song in his car stereo.

Eastside - feat Halsey and Khalid, started playing. The wrong song at the right time. The lyrics played.....

She used to meet me on the Eastside

In the city where the sun don't set

And every day you know that we ride

Through the backstreets of a blue Corvette

Baby, you know I just wanna leave tonight

We can go anywhere we want

Drive down to the coast, jump in the seat

Just take my hand and come with me, yeah

We can do anything if we put our minds to it

Take your whole life then you put a line through it

My love is yours if you're willing to take it

Give me your heart 'cause I ain't gonna break it

So come away, starting today

Start a new life, together in a different place

We know that love is how these ideas came to be

So baby, run away, away with me

Run away, now Run away, now Run away, now

Run away, now Run away, now Run away, now

He used to meet me on the Eastside

She used to meet me on the Eastside

He used to meet me on the Eastside

She used to meet me on the Eastside

In the city where the sun don't set


Sangeetha never heard the song that was being played in the car, but she started liking it. The fresh air and the slow lyrics eased her headache. She questioned herself about the last time she lived at the moment and she didn't get the answer. A sigh left her lips reminiscing her hectic life. The music spurred her towards nirvana, slowly drifting her into sleep like a lullaby.

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