Chapter 5: Tropical

Start from the beginning

"You overslept and you're tired?"

"Yeah, I'm always in a mood to sleep." Jeongguk says.

"Alright, fine go ahead." Hoseok says.

Jeongguk goes to his room and finds Yeonjun already there, legs resting against the wall and head hanging from the bed as he uses his phone.

"Hey there! You did good at the combats." Yeonjun says.

"Thanks." Jeongguk smiles.

"Uh Yeonjun?"

"Hmm?" Yeonjun hums.

"If you find me asleep and it's already time for class then do wake me up." Jeongguk says.

"Throw water at me, play music in my ear, scream shout or even throw me off the bed, just wake me up." Jeongguk says.

"Cold water or hot water?" Yeonjun asks, looking up from his phone.

"Lukewarm?" Jeongguk says hesitantly.

"Do you think I'll have time to lukewarm the water for you. It's either gonna be cold or hot." Yeonjun says and Jeongguk stops himself from laughing.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks." Jeongguk says.

"I ordered the wrong pizza, not my favorite. You can have it you want." Yeonjun says.

"We can order here? It's like two hours of forest to cross to get here." Jeongguk says, frowning.

"It shows you haven't been to Academy's basement." Yeonjun says.

"I thought we weren't allowed there?" Jeongguk says and now Yeonjun frowns at him.

"Said who?"

"I---I don't know---".

"You just assumed that basements of such prestigious institutes are off limits, no?" Yeonjun utters.


"You did. Well you need to go and see. It's like a mini restaurant with everything there. Wanna go now?" Yeonjun asks.

"I'm tired right now. I'll go some other time." Jeongguk replies.


Jeongguk decides to take a proper shower since the one he took in the morning was quite rushed. He's sure he must have some shampoo left in his hair.

In the shower, the events of earlier replay through his mind and he feels hot all of the sudden that he had to take a cold shower.

He can't get that expression out of his mind, that was on Taehyung when he looked at him after the fight. It's like he could see all that Taehyung was feeling on his face and gosh what a sight it was.

Jeongguk closes his eyes as he lets the cold water hit him. He does not want to give those expressions an inappropriate thought because it would be so foul on his part that he's thinking about his professor like this.

Jimin said his wolf howled and screamed that Yoongi is his mate. But Jeongguk's wolf didn't do that---the thought saddens him immediately.

Who am I to wish for Kim Taehyung to be my mate. Jeongguk laughs at himself mockingly.

Then why is it that whenever I see him, I lose my senses and just get lost in him. Why am I feeling things in a hindered way? Why not completely?

What's this barrier that I feel which makes me almost scared when Taehyung's close.

One things makes me want to be away and other makes me want to get so close to him, to hold him and him in my arms.

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