Chapter 18: A Fair Bet

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As the time began to pass and neared 4:55 mark, you and Sadie both made your way back up to the hotel room. Both of your hair  left a small trail of droplets along the ground from the pool to your room.
"Whoever gets to the room first can have a shower first!"
Sadie yelled as the doors of elevator opened. Once there was a big enough gap, Sadie ran straight out the doors and raced you to the hotel room. Since you were holding both towels, you were slower so she got there first. You didn't mind her having a shower first, after all she loves to sing in the shower and you love the sound of her voice. So it's a win win.

Sadie unlocked the door with her key card whilst you trailed behind and she raced into the bathroom. She quickly turned on some music and the shower. Just as you expected the voice of an angel filled the hotel room. You could listen to it for days, but after only 15 minutes, the squeaking of the shower handle could be heard and the patter of water had stopped. Sadie came out with her hair dripping wet once again and a towel wrapped around her underneath her shoulders.
"Your turn!"
She laughed.
Without hesitation, you made your way to the bathroom and repeated the same process Sadie had just done. Except the singing wasn't as angelic. Once you had finished, you ringed your hair out and wrapped a towel around you. Entering the room, you saw your stunning girl friend sat on the bed scrolling through her phone.
"What time is it?"
You asked as you began to get dressed, not caring Sadie could see you.
"It's 5:40 my sweetheart"
Your heart melted at the simple words that poured out of Sadie's lips.

Once you were dressed and ready to go, you both grabbed your things and made your way back out of the room.
"Last to the elevator has to pay for  drinks tonight!"
You imitated what Sadie had said earlier on. Knowing that you were ahead and you were going to be there first. Both of you sprinted down the hall way like a herd of elephants. The people below you could probably hear the stomping of your running. Out of breath you made it to the elevator first.
"Sorry, babe"
You let out an out of breath laugh.
"A deals a deal"
She went up on her tiptoes and placed a kiss onto your cheek Sadie didn't mind that much as you did pay for the hotel after all.
Once the elevator made the way back to the ground level, she put one arm around your waist and pulled you in so your hips were practically touching. You imitated her action and made your way to the small pub that was around the corner.

word count: 487 words

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