Chapter 5: Acceptance

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Today you didn't need to be reminded that you were going on set with Millie. Although, you hadn't told her yet that Sadie invited you out for drinks with them.
"Millie?" You asked to get her attention.
"After you gave Sadie my number, she invited me to come with you guys to your after work drinks"
There was a soft smile on her face, happy that her sister and Sadie were getting along.
"Cool, are you going to tell her that you like her?"
"What. No. I don't like her"
Even though you did like her, you didn't want to admit it. Millie can tell whenever your lying.
There was a silence between you two for the rest of the journey to set. At some point, I'm going to have to come to the fact that I do like girls and there's nothing I can do about it. These feelings won't leave.

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As you knew the set a little better than you did the day before and you had met Sadie, you decided to go around by yourself.
"Sadie's normally in hall 2 or her trailer" Millie hinted to the fact she knew you were looking for her. Taking her advice you went to hall 2, there she was. Even though she had her back to you, she was stunning like always. She was with Noah and another boy. They were sitting on the side waiting to start filming. You walked up to Sadie and put your hands over her eyes.
"Guess who?"
Sadie laughed.
"Hmmm. Y/n?"
She remembers my voice. You removed your hand and she span around and gave you a warm hug. Once she had let go she pointed at the two boys who awkwardly stood behind her.
"This is Caleb and this is Noah. Which you probably have already met because after all your sister and him are best friends"
You confirmed and greeted the two with side hugs.
"I've finished my filming for the day and I'm about to go back to my trailer, if you want to come?" Sadie asked.

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Once you arrived, it looked the exact same as Millie's trailer.
"I need your help" Sadie stated.
You hummed.
"I've got a date with a boy tomorrow and I need help with what to wear"
She grinned at the thought of it. In that moment, your heart sank, you didn't realise how much you liked her until now.
"Oh, yeah. I'll help"
You could of bursted into tears in that moment but instead you put a fake smile on your face. Sadie pulled a few dresses out and asked for your advice, you agreed to most of them because after all she did look good in anything. Once she had picked an outfit for the following day, she sat next to you. Putting her arm around your waist.
"What's wrong y/n? Ever since I told you about that boy you've been upset"
Sadie was worried.
Shit. I can't tell her I like her. Not now at least.
"Oh it's nothing, just tired" You laughed.
"Are you still going to come for drinks tonight? You don't have to if your tired" Sadie pulled you into a hug.
"I think I'm going to get some rest instead" more like I'm going to cry and scream into my pillow.
"Okay that's fine. I'll message you when I'm back"
Like she did yesterday she a placed a kiss on your cheek and you were on your way home.

a/n - do u guys like this story so far? if u have any ideas of what could happen lmk.
word count:611 words

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