Chapter 12: Breaking The News

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Sadie drove both of you to set after watching the sunrise in each other's comfort.
"So do you want to keep this private or?"
You broke the silence.
"I don't mind. I don't think we should tell the public yet if that's okay. But we can tell the rest of the cast if you want to?"
Sadie smiled keeping her eyes on the road.
"Okay, that's a good idea. Millie already knows as she kind of helped me accept the fact I like you. I'm fine with telling the cast if you are?"
You replied.
"Sure. When do you want to tell them?"
"Lunch break? We can call Millie, Caleb, Noah, Gaten and Finn and tell them first"
"Sure. I'll put a call out when we arrive" Sadie confirmed.

Once you arrived, Sadie interlocked her arms with yours. You separated your ways as she had to get her makeup done. You both went about your day as normal. Sadie went to film and do emails, whilst you on the other hand spent the day watching behind the scenes, sitting in Millie's trailer and seeing Sadie when you could.

- - -

Sades 💕
Meet me at the conference room xx

Okay xx

It was time to break the news. You and Sadie were obviously the first ones to arrive. Followed by Caleb, Millie and Noah. Then a few minutes later Gaten and Finn showed up. You weren't sure how they were going to react as you haven't really talked to them that much. The pair of you stood at the front of the room waiting for silence.

Sadie cleared her throat making everyone look at her and go silent.
"Hi everyone. Me and y/n have a announcement to make"
She looked over to you and you exchanged a nervous smile. Sadie put her arm around your waist pulling you in closer for comfort. Your stomach fluttered with butterflies.
"I just wanted to say thank you all for supporting me through out the entire time I've been here"
You looked over to Sadie, her eyes were on the brink of tears. She was nervous. You placed your hand on her back and rubbed it in small circles. Everyone's faces in the room was filled with courage and comfort.
"The main point we called you here today was because we wanted to announce something"
Everyone's heads snapped towards you as you continued for her. She took a deep breath before announcing,
"You might not know her, but this is y/n. You might know her as Millie's sister. But from now, she is my g- girlfriend"
The words you had been waiting to hear filled your heart with pleasure.
You placed a kiss onto Sadie's cheek, everyone cheered in the back ground.
"I KNEW IT" Millie shouted.
"YOU OWE ME 20 BUCKS NOAH" She had clearly made a bet with him about the announcement.

Millie rushed towards you and gave you both a hug. One by one they all congratulated you and gave hugs. You were so relieved that they all excepted you two.
As Caleb pulled away from the congratulatory hug, he asked;
"Everyone is coming around mine tonight y/n, you can join us if you would like?"
With a smile you replied.
"That would be great, thank you"

word count: 560 words
a/n - idk if I like this.

Too Hard To ResistTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon