Chapter 8: "Date" Night

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Later on that evening, you put your best shirt, pants and shoes on, just like you said you would. Earlier, she requested that she would drive as she said she had a fun place you could go. Sadie hadn't told you yet where you were going, even though you were meant to be the one taking her out somewhere.

Sadie <3
I'm on my way

Okay, I'll wait outside for you

Sadie <3
See you soon, love x

A excited squeal escaped your mouth. She just called you 'love'. With an 'x'!

You hurried down the stairs and shouted to Millie that you were going out.
You looked up to the top of the stairs where she stood and smirked.
"Somewhere with Sadie"
A grin now grew on her face too.
"You better tell me everything when you get back!"

Slamming the door behind you, Sadie's car awaited. Even though this was a friend thing, it still felt like some sort of date. You knew you shouldn't feel this way, but something is telling you that you have a chance.

You jumped inside of her car and greeted her with a huge smile in which she returned.
"Hello smiley"
Sadie laughed as she began to drive.
Your smile grew even bigger if it was even possible. Sadie let you catch your breath as you did just sprint from your bedroom to her car.
"So, what did you have in mind?"
You asked.
Sadie looked over to you, knowing that you were going to like it.
"Mini golf"
"I love mini golf! How did you know?"
"I may or may not of asked Millie"
Either way, you loved the sound of it.

-         -          -

Once you had arrived, you both immediately got out of the car and hurried over to the ticket booth. You paid as Sadie had driven both of you.
"What colour ball and club would you two lovely's like?"
The women in the booth asked. You looked at Sadie, nodding in her direction to choose first. She stepped forward.
"Red please!"
The women handed Sadie her requested colour ball and club.
"Blue please!" You asked next.
Once again, the women in the booth gave you your blue ball and club.

The pair of you both rushed over to the first hole, a par 2. It had three options, one to go straight through a windmill which could get you stuck, or around either side of it. This time, Sadie let you go first, pressure was on. You decided to go around the windmill. On the other hand, Sadie took the risk of going through the middle. She perfected it. A hole in one. Her eyebrows raised and her mouth dropped, along with yours.
"I didn't even expect to get that"
Sadie stuck her hand out and you gave her a soft high five. You got a par 2.

-   -     -  

The last hole was all to play for, you and Sadie were very close on points. Even though Sadie wasn't that competitive, you were and she loved that about you. How you get stuck into everything immediately.
You were on 46 points and Sadie was on 44 so she was winning, you were kind of hoping her to win anyway. Either way, you did still try on the last hole. It was an up hill ramp which stopped at a medium height and it had a small dip in the middle.

Sadie went first as she was winning, she tapped the ball roughly but no too rough. It went up the hill with speed and went around the dip. There was no way you were gonna beat that. Your turn. You imitated exactly what Sadie did but with a little more force. Your ball went over the hill, over the dip and back down the hill.  A hole in one.
"There's no way!" You screamed.
Sadie finished her turn and got a par 3.
The scores were Sadie: 47 You: 47.
"It's a draw!"
Sadie squealed once she had added it up.
She pulled you into a quick hug and placed a kiss on your cheek which ended up a little too close to your lips. A red glow could be seen on both of your faces.
"I- i. I'm sorry"
Sadie looked down at the floor in embarrassment.
"Don't worry about it"
You smiled and did the exact thing Sadie had just apologised for.

A kiss a little too close to the lips.

You couldn't quite believe what had just happened. The touch of her warm lips against the edge of your lips and cheek was something you could still feel tingling.

-     -     -   

Sadie dropped you home with a smile.
"Text me when your home!"
You shouted as you walked towards the door of your house.
"Will do!"

You quickly took your shoes off and put your coat on the rack after closing the door behind you. Next you rushed up towards Millie's room and prepared to tell her about the best night you have ever had.

Sadie's smile that night, was an image that you were never going to forget.

a/n - omg. I love this. sorry it's so long.

word count: 866 words

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