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2404 Strilaxis 8, Jyda

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2404 Strilaxis 8, Jyda

He sat in Lydin's lecture for the fifth time in a row over the week, growing more and more bored out of his mind. The history lectures contained more information about the other fairy races and how they contributed to the Human-Fairy war. It should have been interesting to Kennen but all he felt was blatant apathy to the subject. If there was anything he'd like to know from his tutor and ultimately a member of the Chieftain's court was where in Umazure was Merko.

Lydin drawled on, completely oblivious of the fact she had lost Kennen half an hour ago. Kennen settled within himself, pondering on the things swirling at the edge of his mind. A few weeks ago, he had sent off his friend personally as his batch was preparing to go out. He checked with Merko's supervisor, the fairy in charge of keeping the team of foragers together and bringing them back safe, and she seemed good enough. She was no Arren but she was a forager for a hundred years. She knew what she was doing.

So why wasn't Merko back until today? It has been too long.

"Now, do you have any questions?" Lydin turned away from her ice board to look at her only student.

Kennen raised a hand even though there wasn't anyone competing with him for the tutor's attention. "Has the recent batch of foragers made it back? Did the eastern stocks receive their shipment?"

A cloud passed across Lydin's face. Did she know Merko was on that team? Instead, she shook her head, crossed her arms, and sighed. "I suggest taking it up to General Lega since she controls the training of the foraging division."

He slotted the name to his memory. General Lega. Then, he knitted his eyebrows. "Isn't that—"

"One of the siblings in the Grand Marshal's court, yes," Lydin finished for him like she was tired of answering this question over and over that she knew where it would go just by listening to the first two words. "I would appreciate you asking a better question than all the others before you, Kennen."

He swallowed against the growing lump in his throat. General Lega. Lydin did mention the one he was looking for was female, clearing up the possible confusion between the two Generals. It seemed like the gods had mercy on them so they decided to make the siblings of different sexes. To think they both rose to become Generals at the same time was something Kennen wasn't up to ponder about. He couldn't even make it to be a forager. But it must have been amazing to be their parents and their ancestors.

Still, as he bid farewell to his tutor, he had the nerve to ask, "Where would I find the Generals' quarters?"

A wicked smile crossed Lydin's face. "If you listened to anything I told you about the structure of the Ice Capital, you wouldn't be asking that question," she jerked her chin at the busy corridor outside their lecture room. "Now, off you go. Do whatever it is you need to do."

Before Kennen could open his mouth to speak, the wall slammed shut in his face, cutting his thoughts effectively. With a sigh, he tore off the corridor and began walking without any destination in mind. He should be getting lunch right now but seeing as he didn't feel like chugging fairy potion with his breakfast still churning in his gut, maybe he should forego lunch.

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