"Well, I'm a girl."

"Good point,"

Newt lays his tray on top of yours and starts to walk off. He waves at you to follow, so you do.

He takes you down towards the blood house were you find a group of muscular boys, um, well, making something.

"Look who finally decided to wake up," Gally says with a mischievous grin.

"Very funny," you say with an eye roll.

"Be good to her Gally!" Newt shouts as he turns around back towards the gardens.

"What are you guys building anyways?"

"You can't tell?" he says raising an eyebrow.

"No. it just looks like a pile of wood."

"Well at least you aren't stupid," he says, crossing his arms across his wide chest.

"Thanks, I guess,"

"It is just a pile of wood, for now at least. We're planning on making a room for the keepers to meet in so we can fit more people in the homestead."

"That actually isn't a bad idea,"

"What were you expecting?"

"Something a whole lot more stupid," you say with a smirk, crossing your arms to match his.

"Well played Greenie, well played," he says smiling.

You don't believe your eyes for a second. Gally? Smiling?

"Well what do I do then?"

"You can watch us for a while, when you actually comprehend what's happening, jump in and help,"

"Sure," you say, hopping up onto the edge of the wooden fence holding in the sheep.

Once you finish your chat, Gally goes back to work. Half of which is partially actually working, while the other half is spent yelling at his coworkers to do it "the right way."

From your seat, you see a boy with platinum blonde hair point over to you and says something to Gally. He, in turn, blushes and playfully punches the boy in the arm.

You giggle and they both look over and turn red, which just makes you laugh harder.

Once you calm down, you turn your focus back onto the builders, and pick out one to learn from.

In the end you decide on the boy Gally had been talking to earlier.

He had been organizing the pieces of wood by size and shape.

"Hey," you say as you kneel down in the dirt beside him.

"Hey," he replies with a little smile.

"I saw what you were doing, and Gally said I should help someone. So do you need any help?"

"Sure Greenie, I'll always take help if it's offered,"

You sit there in complete silence, waiting for an order. The only sound being the ruckus that the other builders are making.

"Okay, so can you go over to Eli, the guy cutting the wood. As he cuts, bring it over to me and I'll sort it,"

"Okay boss," you say smiling.

You get up and walk over to Eli. When you have as much wood as you can carry safely, you turn back to the boy you were helping. With your heavy load, you waddle back to him like a polar bear on ice for the first time.

"I never got your name," you say as you squat to drop the lumber.

"Riley," he says with his back turned.

"Nice to meet you," you say putting your hands on your hips.

"Why are you just standing there?" asks Gally.

You roll your eyes and get back to work.

It's a simple process:
Grab the wood. Walk the wood to Riley. Set it down. Go back to Eli for more wood. Repeat.

Your mini cycle was done over and over again, until you ask for a break from Riley. He says that you can sit against a nearby tree and drink a cup of water, but when you finish it was back to work.

Reluctantly, you agreed to his conditions. You find a cup and fill it using a nearby hose. As you walk to a tree, your thoughts wander to the maze.

Your timing is accidentally right on time, because when you sit down, the runners came out of the maze.

One by one, each of them come jogging out, and towards the map room. Once at the door, they all go inside, except for one. He holds the door open for the others. From a distance, you see him wave at you.

You smile and wave back.

"Greenie!" Gally shouts. "Break time's over. Get back to work,"

"Gimme a break Gally," you jokingly complain.

You push off of the tree to stand and walk back over to Riley.

After 10 or so minutes of work, he begins to talk to you.

"What was that?" he asks with a small smile.

"Whatdoyou mean, what was that?'" you say.

You don't think you're made for heavy lifting. You can feel your face burning under the heat of the sun. Also, your arms are wobbling like jello from the weight of the wood.

"I saw you and Minho over there,"

"Saw us what?" you say blushing.

You're pretty sure that your face looks like a freaking tomato right now.

"Never mind," he says as he sorts.

After two or so more hours of labor, you finally call it a day.

You pretty much collapse against that same tree.

All of the boys start to jog off towards the kitchens for dinner, except for Riley.

"You look sick," he says looking at the hue of your face.

"Well then I must look better than I feel," you say as he reaches out his hands to pull you up.
"I. Need. Food."

"Alright Greenie," he says sticking his hand up like an accused criminal. "Let's go,"

You playfully punch him in the arm. Then you walk to the kitchens together. He starts to talk, but you zone out. You can't stop thinking about Minho.

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