Hey everybody

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This happened last night. I was trying to sleep and I had to get up to use the bathroom. I couldn't get up it felt like someone had me pinned down.

My little sister we'll call her ladybug. She is the only one in my entire family that excepts me for being part of the lgbtqia. It is something that I don't usually share with people cause I've never found people who support me except for my sister and 3 of my friends.  So back to the topic. This isn't the first time that has happened but this time it felt stronger and I don't know why.  When I opened my eyes there was nothing then I blacked out. But I never saw anything that could have done that.  I have had weird cravings everyday. Like one thing is that I've been craving blood. The thing about that is I've never liked blood until I got into creepypasta. The weirdest one to happen is that being in the sun hurts and this is a more recent one like I've always been a night owl but this is a little extreme even for me. My canine teeth are sharper and I have better hearing with better sense of smell. I already had a good sense of smell but now it's tenfold. Which kinda scares me cause the worst change to happen are it feels like something is growing on my head but every time I look nothing is there.

Lately I've been scared of my mom and I have no reason to because she is the least likely besides my sister to hurt me for being trans and pan sexual. My dad shuns all lgtbq and the rest of my siblings do too. My little sister doesn't care that I'm either and she respects me more than the rest of my family. She even leaves the room when I change cause she knows about me being trans.  But a new thing I discovered is that I have fear of being touched. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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