Chapter 7 ...We have to tell you...

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We are on tour now. A month in to it. We have an interview today. It has been about 3 months since I told Niall that I like Sarah. She’s been getting bigger. Sarah is about four months pregnant now and she is showing. None of the boys have asked about her, why she is getting bigger so fast. Sarah and I go out sometimes as ‘friends’ and I know we have been seen together. People have been asking me on twitter if she is pregnant with Louis’s kid but, I never answer them.

We got to the place where we were doing the interview and Sarah came with us. We went on with smiles on our faces hugging the interviewer, and then sitting on the long couch. We were asked about our new album and about how the tour was going and bunch of other questions.

“So, Louis, how are you and the girlfriend?” the man asked. I looked up and waited for him answer.

“We’re doing fine. She’s backstage right now.” Louis said looking back to where she was standing.

“Okay, so I’ve been getting questions from many, many 1D fans. One of the questions that I saw over and over again was about Sarah.” The man said looking up at the picture of Sarah and me going on a trip to get some coffee for the boys like we do every weekend. “So here is the question, people want to know if Sarah is….Pregnant.” He said cautiously. Louis’s head shot up looking at him like he was crazy. I looked at Sarah and her face was shocked. I looked back at the picture and you can tell that she has a little belly bump.

“Umm, not that I know of.” Louis said looking at the picture and then at the boys. All of them shook their heads saying that they have no clue if she is or not.

“If she is, Louis, which means you would be a dad, right?” He asked

“She’s not pregnant.” He stated sternly. I looked at Sarah and caught her eye. Pretty much I was mentally asking her things. I asked her if I could tell. She looked down at her belly and then back to me nodding her head. I looked back at the man.

“Actually, she is.” I said slowly. Everyone looked at me shocked.

“What? How do you know that?” Louis asked, sounding a little mad. I sighed.

“Okay here is the story. The day that we met Sarah, I went for a walk and bumped into her on the street. She looked really sad and I asked her to come back to the flat because it was really cold outside. She told me what was on her mind and then Lou came home. We had a drink in the house but Sarah went up to the bathroom. I was going to bed when I heard noises in there, so I walked in and she was on the floor. That is when she told me she was pregnant.” I tried to say as fast as I could so the interview would be over sooner. “It’s not Louis’s baby.” I added. Louis was quiet. The man talked first.

“Well that sure is a story. Oh looks like we are out of time.” We said goodbye and I walked up to Sarah.

“Hey, I’m sorry that Louis had to find out like that.” I said but she just hugged me. I hugged back taking in her sent. She pulled away and said ‘thank you’.

“I wouldn’t have been able to tell him myself.” She said and smiled. We walked to the van and got in. Louis sat by himself while the rest of the boys questioned her about being pregnant. She told them the whole story. Everything, down to the last detail. She told about her mom dying, but Louis knew that already. He just sat there, looking like he could not give any less fucks.

Louis POV

Am I mad? Yes. Not because she is pregnant, but because she never told me. We got to the flat and I was the first one out of the car and I went into the house slamming the door behind me when I went into my room. I sat onto my bed, putting my head in my hands. I thought Sarah could trust me with anything. I thought she was my best friend. Why did she trust Harry and not me? I mean, when was she planning on telling me? Why did I have to hear it from Harry instead of her? Plus, he said it on TV. It made me look stupid, I didn’t know that my girlfriend was pregnant and my best friend did. I hate looking stupid. Harry always makes me feel stupid. There was a knock on the door.

“Lou? Can we talk?” I heard Sarah say. I got up and opened the door.

“What.” I said not as a question.

“Are you mad?” she asked quietly. I walked away sitting on the bed before speaking.

“What the fuck do you think?” I asked anger in my voice.

“Because I’m pregnant! You’re mad because I am pregnant?” She asked suddenly angry.

“What? No, I’m not mad because you’re pregnant!” I said yelling

“Then why? What’s your reason? Huh?” She yelled back

“You didn’t tell me! You trusted Harry and not me. I’m supposed to be your best friend. You’re supposed to trust me with anything.” I yelled back at her, exploding. Then I quieted my voice, suddenly on the verge of tears, not knowing where that came from. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I feel betrayed.

“Louis,” Sarah said reaching out to me. I jerked when she touched me.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I said a little more sternly.

“Louis, please,”

WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!!!” I yelled at her fed up with her staling.

“I WAS SCARED!!” She yelled “I was scared that you would leave me. I was going to tell you, I just didn’t know how.” She said

“But why did you tell Harry?” I asked

“You know how I feel about him Louis. I wanted to make sure he would be there for me before I tried to get closer to him. I needed to know that he wouldn’t leave me like Josh did.” She whispered, making sure nobody was able to hear her. “I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you. I’m sorry you found out like you did. I’m sorry, Lou. Please don’t be mad. I’m sorry.” She said getting quieter and quieter by each word.

“I’m not mad anymore babe.” I said bringing her into a hug. I could hear the boys coming toward my room, making a lot of noise. “You’re my best friend,” I said into her hair, then pulled back, “I love you and I’m going to be here for you, remember that.” She hugged me again.

“I love you too, Lou.”

Harry POV

“Let’s go break up their fight. I don’t like hearing them yell at each other like that.” Zayn said to the rest of us as we sat on the couch. We all agreed beginning to go to Lou’s room. I was in the front and I could hear them talking. Sarah kept saying that she was sorry for not telling him. Then Lou said he wasn’t mad anymore. Then the boys started messing around pushing each other, making a lot of noise. Once I told them all to shut up I heard Lou say that he loves Sarah. And she loves him too. Maybe they really are together. I got my hopes up, thinking that I would have my chance with her. But they are in love, I guess. The boys went inside and Zayn took a picture of them because they were hugging. Guess he tweeted it and said something like ‘done with this little fight, just a small bump in the road’     or something cheesy.

“So, is everyone good here?” Liam asked. Louis and Sarah looked at us. Sarah smiled at me. Oh how I love that smile. I smiled back at her but then she looked at Louis who was talking.

“Yeah, we straightened things out” Louis said. We went down stairs. Well I didn’t, I went to bed. I needed to think about things. Mostly Sarah, but I just lay in bed and thought about everything.

Niall POV

We have been down stairs for about 3 hours now and it is like 10:00. Zayn and Liam went to bed and I was in the kitchen, getting a snack. I looked at Lou and Sarah sitting on the couch. They were whispering to each other. It looked like they were arguing again. Soon, Lou sighed and said ‘fine’. The two of them got up and came into the kitchen. I had a sandwich in my hand and turned around to them taking a bite.

“Are you two okay?” I asked through my full mouth.

“Um yeah. Niall, we need to tell you something.” Louis said.

“What is it?” I said looking between the two of them.

“You remember that girl that I dated, Ashley, right?” I nodded “Well she kept trying to get back with me and said that she would not give up unless I got a new girlfriend. So I met Sarah and asked her to be my, fake, girlfriend.” I looked at them in shock. I knew it. I was right, I’m good. Wait.

“Um, Lou can I talk to you?” I said. Sarah frowned, Lou nodded his head and we went into the other room. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” 

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