Chapter 12 James

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Harry POV

“From the crash? But we were fine, both of us were. We walked out of the hospital. Louis and I called our relationship off. We were in New York. We kissed. I was at Joshes house and he, he hit me. I, I stabbed him.” She talked slowly. I’m not sure if she was talking to me still or just to herself trying to figure out what I happening. I guess that is what she was dreaming when she was in a comma. She and Louis broke up and Sarah and I kissed. Does that mean she feels the same way I feel about her? What would Louis and her break up? Was it because she was pregnant? She stabbed Josh, but it was only in her dream.

“Sarah, you have been in a comma for a week now. We called off some of the tour to stay her with you. We would be in New York right now but we are here.” I explained and when she looked at me she was crying. I shook my head not being able to say anything but wanting her so badly to stop.

“Everything was getting better. Louis and I didn’t have to pretend that we were something more than just friends. I was with the one I have wanted to be with since I first got to London. Did you know that I am having a boy? I am pretty sure of it. You named him Nick.” She said pain in her voice because she knew that everything she thought had happened never did.

“How did you know you were going to have a boy?” I asked.

“It was in my dream. Wait, you said that I was going to have a baby, does that mean that I’m not anymore?” She asked and I could see the tears ready to fall. I nodded my head.

“He didn’t make it through the crash. The doctors removed him and told me that he was a boy.” I was crying again and she was too. “I’m so sorry Sarah. This is my fault; I was driving when we got hit.”

“Harry, don’t blame yourself for it. I guess it was meant to happen. But do you know who it was that hit us?” She asked

“Um yeah but he was found dead not too far from the crash.”

“What was his name Harry?”

“Um Josh Rile.” She looked away from me and nodded.

“He got what he wanted.” She said

“What do you mean, do you know him?”

“Josh, he is the one that got me pregnant and left me. All he wanted was for me to get rid of the baby. I wouldn’t do it so he did. Even though he killed his self while he was at it.” She said this with no emotion at all. It kinda scared me; I have never seen her like this before. The rest of the boys came in and when they saw that she was awake they ran up to us.

Sarah POV

I saw Harry and I felt safe again. Josh wasn’t about to kill me and I had Harry with me. When the rest of the boys came in I felt even better. I had all the boys that meant the world to me here. I have some things to deal with though.

“Lou, we have to tell the truth. We did in my dream and everything turned out okay.” I said and Lou nodded. The boys were looking at us curious of what we mean. Lou spoke first.

“On the first day we met Sarah, I asked her to be my girlfriend as you guys all know. But she isn’t my girlfriend. She never was my girlfriend.”  I didn’t watch Lou as he talked but Harry as he listened and took it all in. “I felt so bad keeping her away from who she should really be with.” He looked at Harry and winked at him. His eyes went wide.

“So you guys were pretending to be dating.” Lou nodded I was still looking at Harry but nodded too. “Why?” Liam asked

“Because, it was the only way to keep that Ashley girl away from me. She said that if I didn’t have a new girlfriend then she would try to get back with me again. It worked, but I didn’t plan on letting it go on for so long. I’m sorry guys. I’m going to explain to the press as soon as possible and tell that we were never really together.” The boys soon left one by one to go do something but Harry stayed.

“Holy shit” He said just now responding to what Louis had told everyone. It was the same thing he said when he found out in my dream; I really do know this boy.

“Are you mad?”

“I’m not mad. I’m upset. Look Sarah, I have liked you for a while now. Well, from the day I met you. I thought you were with Louis this whole time. I thought I would never have a chance with you. Now, knowing that you two were never together I realized how many times I have missed out on making a move on you. And you said that in your dream, we kissed. I’m just confused on what all this means.”

“It means that you can have a chance.” I said. Harry wasn’t looking at me but he was smiling. I was Happy too; I get to be with the guy that I have wanted from day one.

I am out of the hospital wand we are back in London. I wasn’t too broken but what was is healing very nicely. All the casts got taken off today. I have been doing better but I’m still heartbroken about losing baby Nick. Harry and I are going out for a movie today. We walked down the street toward the plaza. I was a man. I saw him in my dream also. James, James Essex is here in London.

“Harry can we go talk to that guy over there? I think I know him.” I asked. He nodded and we walked over there. “James?” He turned around

“Sarah, it’s great to see you. What are you doing in London?”

“I should be asking you the same thing.” I said

“Well I’m just bringing my business to the UK. Who is your friend?”

“Oh, James this is Harry Styles. Harry this is James Essex. I grew up with him.”

“Is he your boyfriend?” I looked at Harry.

“Well, not yet. We are going on a date at the movies right now.” Harry said with a warning tone in his voice. I looked at him confused.

“Well, yeah, we should get going. It was great to see you James.” I said and gave him a hug.

“You too Sarah. I’ll see you later.” Harry and I went on with our walk to the plaza.

“What is his business?” Harry asked

“What do you mean?”

“He said he was bringing his business to the UK. What does he do?”

“Oh, he sells things.” It’s not a lie because he does sell things. He sells drugs.

“Oh” We watched the movie and I can’t remember the name of it no matter how hard I tried.  I can’t even tell you what it was about. I looked at Harry every chance I got. So the whole movie, pretty much.

We walked back to the flat and I walked into Harry’s room and he stayed in the main room. I took my jacket off and felt something in the pocket. I reached in and there was a bag. When I looked inside the bag I remembered my past. In the bag were pills. James made then in his basement when we were 15. They were not normal pills. If you take one you get loopy and start doing random things. I remembered this in my dream. I overdosed on this stuff. I went crazy because of it. I was in the hospital for two months. I don’t know what I did when I was on this stuff but I got hurt because of it.

I hid the bag in the dresser and went down to join Harry. My phone vibrated. I had a text from James

‘Party tomorrow at seven. You and Harry up for it?’

“Hey Harry, do you want to go to a party tomorrow?” I asked

“Sure, I have nothing else to do.”

I told James yeah and he texted me the address. When James has a part it is crazy, so I don’t know what to expect from this. I know it will be amazing though.

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