Chapter 2 Okay i'm going to tell you a secrete

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I woke up at around 6 to catch my flight which was at 8:30. I changed into my sweatpants, my One Direction hoodie and my grey Vans. I put my hair in a fishtail braid.  ( I got a taxi and had the man take me to the airport. I didn’t feel very well because of everything that had happened yesterday. I got to the airport paid the man and went through security. I got some food and sat down and waited for the plane.

I got on twitter and I saw that all the members of One Direction were flying back to London. Hey maybe I will meet them. Ha-ha doubt it. Finally! The plane is here. Now to find my seat. Of course it is clear in the back. Only one other seat next to me and in it sat a man. He looked about my age maybe older. He had sunglasses on and needed to shave. He had black hair sort of in an afro.  

He looked up at me while I put you bag away. “Oh, is this your seat?” he asked. “Uh yeah.” I said and smiled. He stood up and let me through to my seat.  “I like your hoodie” He said smiling. “Thanks.” I said. “Oh I’m sorry. I haven’t told you my name. I’m….James…Brown.” He said like he wasn’t sure. “I’m Sarah Cornely.” I said as I got out my phone. “How old are you James?” I asked “21. How about you?” He has a British accent. “19. Are you from the UK?” “Yeah. Oh you have a phone. Can I use it to call my friend? I want to tell him that we are leaving.” “Oh sure. Here” I handed him the phone. He typed in a number and put the phone to his ear. He soon gave it back and said. “He didn’t answer.” 

The plane started to take off. “So where are you going James?” “I’m staying in London.” “Really? Me too. Maybe we will see each other sometime.” I said and smiled. He nodded “So you like One Direction?” He asked and I nodded. “Me too.” He said and smiled. “Who is you favorite?” He asked. “Louis. Because he seems most like me you know? Like we both are loud and like messing around and stuff.”  “I know what you mean.” He said and got a serious face. “Okay I’m going to tell you a secret.”

Louis POV

I feel stupid. Harry had to get this stupid idea. The five of us are on different planes right now going back to London. We are wearing disguises and I have an afro wig on and I look stupid. A girl came to the back of the plane where I was and all I though was ‘she is going to know that I am Louis from One Direction.  But she didn’t find out. Her name is Sarah Cornely and we are both staying in London. I told her that my name was James Brown. I don’t know it was the first thing that came to mind. I asked to use her phone and I put my number in as my real name and called my phone so I had her number. She won’t mind. She likes One Direction and I am her favorite member.  Sarah is actually really pretty. I decided to tell her the truth. 

“Okay I’m going to tell you a secret.” I said “But first take a picture with me.” She looked confused but took the picture any way. “Okay here it is. Just don’t flip out, please.” I took my sunglasses off.  “My names not James. I am Louis Tomlinson.” I said. She smiled and then frowned. “I told you what I thought about you.” She said. “Don’t worry about it love. It made me happy.” I said as I put my glasses back on. “Do me a favor and tweet that picture but don’t say it’s me.” I said and she did. I got on twitter on my phone and looked Sarah up and followed her. I commented on the picture saying ‘This one is easy’.

Sarah POV

Louis Freaking Tomlinson has been sitting next to me for hours and I didn’t even know it. Wow just wow. He really is normal though. The plane soon landed and we got off. I walked out with Louis and four guys were waiting out there. Louis brought me over there and introduced me to the rest of one Direction. I spotted my Aunt Kathy. “Oh guys I got to go.” I said “That’s cool. I’ll text you later.” I looked at him confused and he said “check your contacts." And chuckled. I left and went to the car. Here I am. London, England.

A/N~Check out my other story. Its called 'It's Complicated (Niall Horan Love story)  link  ......................SOOO how did you like this chapter? Comment :) ~Britnee xx

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