
| personality |

| overall, Max is a very soft & warm young man with a heart of gold. he prefers to put other's needs before his own, and is always happy to help, no matter the situation. he is very friendly, calm, and supportive.

unfortunately, both due to his appearance & his tendency to freeze up in public, others tend to perceive him as intimidating and cold.

while sensible enough to not take his insecurity out on others, Max is generally extremely insecure - mostly about his physical image rather than his personality. he rarely interacts with anyone unless they're a customer or a fellow Deity, and he runs out of social energy very quickly.

he isn't the best with words, either, so it's more likely that he'll converse with someone new by passing notes to them. he prefers to work alone and figure things out by himself, as he feels he learns more by doing so. a general rule when working with Max is to leave him alone and wait for him to interact with you first.

Max also isn't one to immediately start fighting off the bat. in fact, he's mostly the peacekeeper. however, on the rare occasion he gets into a fight, he fights to kill. |


| background |

| regarding his early life, Max was born to two unknown parents & dropped off at a local orphanage, bloodied and scratched up. throughout his time at the orphanage, he picked up a passion for smithing & creating weapons - sort of as a way to cope with the awful surroundings. he also may have supplied the weapons used in the revolt & following murdering of the houseparents that occurred in that exact orphanage.

Max, alongside the rest of the "inmates", ran off and disappeared into the forest before the authorities came. they all essentially faked their deaths, as they had set the building ablaze before leaving.

for the next few years, their group of inmates slowly dwindled as more and more children broke and ran to the authorities, or died one way or another. in the end, only Max and a young girl were left - but even they separated.

after Max almost killed himself using his fire abilities, the girl broke and called the authorities to get him medical assistance, before running away.

following the violent burning of his face + separation from one of his only friends, Max spent the rest of his teen years struggling with an eating disorder in a foster home. luckily, this home was much nicer - still, it took him well into his early twenties to beat the disorder.

after leaving the foster home, beating his disorder, and re-integrating back into society, he decided he didn't want to & ascended to godhood solely to avoid social interaction. also to take more time to heal, but mostly because he didn't want to talk to people. |


| relationships |

| Athanasios, the Dark Deity |
[ friends + fellow Deity ]
− mutual respect
− Athan understands his introversion lmao
− they like talking to each other

| Xena, the Light Deity |
[ friendly + fellow Deity ]
− they're buddies but also he fears her
− they're both into weapons n stuff so they talk abt that a lot
− he's gotten familiar with her bc of how often she breaks her weapons lmao

| Altalune, the Moon Deity |
[ acquaintances + fellow Deity ]
− he fears her too but like. in a way that he freezes whenever she enters the room
− mutual respect

| Maribelle, the Time Deity |
[ acquaintances + fellow Deity ]
− Maribelle has way too much energy for him
− helps her repair stuff sometimes, but otherwise they don't talk

| Solstice, the Earth Deity |
[ mutual respect + fellow Deity ]
− mildly afraid of her
− but respects and admires her nonetheless 

| Fionn, the Ice Deity |
[ strangers ]
− never met him

| Bayu, the Wind Deity |
[ friends + fellow Deity ]
− they eat together sometimes
− both introverts, so they just vibe in each other's presence


| trivia |

− Max is HEAVILY based off Max Randolph Studios, his vc. wholesome blacksmith man :D

− he was born in 1998, which is the year of the tiger.

− he wears a tiger mask in public due to his facial scar. he doesn't like showing his face, and feels a lot more comfortable when he knows others can't see him.


| gallery |

[ a doodle I made like yesterday lmao ]

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[ a doodle I made like yesterday lmao ]




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