It's strange really I haven't spoken to my old teammates in 8 months and in that time I've gotten close to Shikamaru's team and their families, they don't understand why my old teammates have turned their backs on me but I personally think it's more Sakura than Sasuke because I have noticed in the last few days, that he's been trying to talk to me but Sakura will then appear and drag him somewhere else, in the mean time Shikamaru's dad as been telling me stories about my parents which I will admit is my favourite part of visiting "Naruto" I looked up only to see Shikamaru staring at me "what" I asked tilting my head to the side "nothing, come on" he replied shaking his head, one of the biggest things that's changed was Ino she's become my number 1 supporter, since I've been on their team I've also noticed that she glares at Sakura a lot which makes me laugh mentally, I know Kurama enjoys those moments as well especially when Sakura actually looks scared of Ino, it's strange how things have changed since our academy days

We walked together making small talk until it went quiet again "I wonder if it's about another mission, we haven't been on one in a few days" I asked softly breaking the silence "troublesome blonde" I heard him mutter "that better not be towards me Shika" I warned playfully, knowing it really wasn't aimed at me "no it wasn't, so calm down" he answered quickly as he moved slightly away from me I chuckled at his reaction, you could say I've gotten myself a reputation since the war....hell even the council are scared of me well the civilian part anyway, which I secretly find funny but I wont tell them that though since they were the most vocal of having me killed as a baby because of my jinchuruiki status, though it does help to keep them off my back, and if they did start something I wouldn't be able to keep quiet without getting myself in trouble...though I think Shika might say that I always cause trouble which always makes me smirk when he does

Sasuke POV

I was in team 7 training ground trying to train but I was finding it hard to do since Sakura wont stop talking also I'm distracted because I haven't spoken to Naruto since I've been back, whenever I do see him in the village I never get a chance to speak with him since Sakura never leaves me alone and it's beginning to fucking annoy me, I was brought of out of my thoughts by Sakura shouting loudly "what are you doing here Ino-pig" I looked over and saw Ino glaring at Sakura and then her gaze fell on me "unlike you Sakura I actually have things to do, the Hokage wants to see you both" she replied sounded disgusted before she walked away, I frowned why would the Hokage want to see us, I thought she was in a meeting with the Clan heads "come on Sasuke-kun" Sakura said grabbing my arm tightly but I just flicked her off, I didn't even care that she fell backwards onto the floor nor did I slow down for her

When we got to the Hokage's office it was full not only were the Clan heads here but also the rookies with their sensei's, as I looked around I noticed that Naruto wasn't here either "now that your all here, me and the Clan heads were talking about a subject that quite frankly you all need to know about" she paused before looking at Shikamaru who nodded back before leaving the room "I know you all have questions but wait until Shikamaru comes back, then you will know the truth" Tsunade announced before staring out the window, after nearly 10 minutes I tensed up when I felt a familiar chakra walking towards the door {Naruto} I thought feeling relieved and excited to finally get to speak to him, I narrowed my eyes when I heard how Sakura spoke to Naruto but they softened when I saw him, I frowned slightly when I saw Ino standing close to him when I think about it Naruto always seems to be with Ino, Choji or Shikamaru and quite frankly I don't like it

Naruto POV

We got to granny's office when I felt the familiar chakra "shit" I groaned already hating whatever is happening because inside the room is the rookies, their sensei's and the Clan heads Shikamaru knocked on the door a few minutes later the door was opened to reveal Sakura who the moment her eyes laid on me she glared I rolled my eyes because seriously how old is she again "what are you doing here" she sneered at me, I raised an eyebrow at her before smirking because even though she has trained under Tsunade she still isn't strong enough to fight me and win, Shikamaru butted in when it looked like she was going to say something "the hokage wants to see us Sakura so move because your in the way" he said bored she huffed but still moved aside

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