36. Homecoming

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When the guys walked off the Quinjet two days later, Zoe was practically dancing, waiting for them with the biggest smile plastered on her face. They were tired, but unharmed. She couldn't contain her excitement and relief as she ran up to meet them. Bucky grabbed her by the waist and swung her around while she covered his face in kisses.

"Am I invisible here?" Sam teased. "Nice to see you, too, Zoe!"

She jumped out of Bucky's arms and hugged Sam. "Better?" She laughed, kissing his cheek. "Can I get back to the hotter one now?"

"Really?!?!?! I'm so getting you back for that!" Sam dropped her back on her feet. "Sleep with one eye open tonight, Z!"

"You really think I'm sleeping tonight?" Zoe cackled and curled up under Bucky's arm. "God, it's just too easy to make you blush Samuel..."

"Not a damn word, Tinman!" Sam snapped, shaking his head. "You guys are disgusting!"

"Where do we have to be right now?" Bucky asked, trying not to crack up at Sam's embarrassment. "Do we have a minute to change? Grab something to eat?"

"We're due back at command in one hour." Sam reported, unable to look at Zoe, who was laughing so hard she was crying. "Don't say a fucking thing, Z!"

They all walked back to the barracks together, Zoe asking all about the mission, the guys not really able to tell her much. Once back in her room, Zoe barely turned the lock before Bucky's arms were around her.

"Someone is happy to be home." Zoe smirked. "Think this wall is soundproof?" She asked as he pinned her to the door and kissed her deeply.

"Good point. Interior walls are usually thicker." He kissed her neck and pulled her over towards where the bathroom connected. "God damn did I miss you..."

"Do we have time for this?" She laughed. "Don't want you getting into trouble being late to report."

"Do I look like I care?" He smirked and pulled her shirt off. "Fuck, I missed..."

He was cut off by Zoe kissing him and jumping up to wrap her legs around his waist. "You were saying?" She giggled. "Why do you have so many damn layers on?"

He pulled his gear off his upper body while she kissed his neck and chest. They fumbled and laughed as they walked over to the bed. She jumped down and was looking for a condom when he tripped over his pants and landed on the floor.

They were both laughing so hard they couldn't breathe. He managed to get to the bed to curl up with her while they continued to laugh hysterically. When he caught his breath enough to speak, he brushed some hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.

"I love you so much." He breathed. "This is the best homecoming I've ever had."

"Well..." she was still laughing. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the first time you've had a, what did you guys call it? A 'pretty little dame' waiting to jump your bones upon return?"

"I guess you're right." He thought about it for a second. "Definitely beats coming home to moldy old take out and sleeping on the floor." He kissed her. "I could get used to this."

"Really? Because I don't want you to have to leave ever again!" She pouted. "At least not until I'm sick of you..."

"You plan on getting sick of me?" He asked, looking up at her while planting kisses on her shoulders and chest, watching her eyes flutter. "That's not very nice, my love."

"Just didn't want to sound clingy..." She melted at him using the endearment she had used, pulling him back to her face and kissing him breathless.

Bucky reported to the command center 10 minutes early. Sam was already there working on a mission report. "I could hear you weirdos laughing all the way down the hall..."

"Sorry, just tripped over my own feet and Zoe lost it." Bucky laughed. "In her defense, it was a pretty spectacular face-plant."

"So you two didn't get to reunite?..." Sam shuddered as he typed. "You know what, I'm good, please don't tell me."

"What do you need help with?" Bucky asked, sitting down to open up a stack of paperwork. "Which parts still need finishing?"

"Everything in that blue folder." Sam answered, never looking away from his screen. "You have the serial killer's perfect penmanship, how about you handle the write-ins? The debrief meeting is in 30."

"Deal." Bucky agreed. "Did you get something to eat?"

"Yeah, thanks. But I could use another coffee if you're offering." Sam took the last sip of his cup. "Double shot, if you please..."

"Got it." Bucky replied, getting up to head towards the coffee machine. "Snacks?"

"No, man, I'm good." Sam looked up from his work and smirked. "Really liking this new and improved softer, gentler murderbot sidekick thing you've got going on. Remind me to thank Zoe later."

"Will do." Bucky smiled. "And thanks again for being okay with us...even if you weren't, she's the best thing that's happened to me in forever. I can't thank you enough for bringing me with you on this trip...it's changed my life, Sam."

"Aww, look at you!" Sam laughed. "Emotional and social over here! I'm touched!"

"Just keep this conversation in mind the next time I piss you off." Bucky joked. "Which should be sometime in the next hour or so, if my calculations are correct."

"Go get me my coffee, you nerd!" Sam tossed a crumpled up napkin at his head as he walked out the door. "Hate you too, man..."

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