12. Tonic Immobility

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After the movie finished up, Zoe got ready to head up to bed. "I'm just upstairs if you need anything, James. Thanks for keeping things fucking weird!"

Bucky laughed. "Goodnight Zoe. Get some rest. Hopefully we'll know more tomorrow."

Around 3am, Zoe heard what sounded like a wounded animal yelping. She ran downstairs and realized the sound was coming from the guest room. Nervously, she knocked on the door without a response. She cracked the door open and saw Bucky thrashing on the floor next to the bed, pillows and sheets everywhere. Had he been sleeping on the floor this whole time? Cautiously, she approached the distressed man and tapped on his foot. Nothing. She called out to him, still nothing. She finally reached out, grabbed a pillow and started hitting him with it. He shot up, wild-eyed and panting.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Barnes! What the fuck just happened?!" Zoe screamed. "Are you okay? Can you put a goddamn shirt on?!?!"

"Nightmare." Bucky tried to calm down so he could speak. "Sam didn't warn you?"

"No, he didn't fucking warn me!" Zoe smacked him with the pillow again. "I thought you were dying down here!"

"Sorry. I thought he told you." Bucky rubbed his face and grabbed for a shirt. "Fuck, I'm really sorry I scared you."

"What can I do to help?" Zoe immediately flipped into professional mode. "Do you need anything? Distraction? Medication? Did something trigger this response? Will you be able to get back to sleep?"

"I'm okay, really..." Bucky tried to reassure her. "...I just need to calm down."

"Can I help? Do we need to flip you upside down like a shark?" Zoe grabbed his right hand and started rubbing at acupressure points. "Weed gummies? Ice bath? What do you need?"

"Just having you here talking is helping..." Bucky exhaled. "...it actually helps a lot."

"Good...how's your breathing? You sound better." Zoe kept massaging his hand. "Do you want to stay on the floor, or can we move somewhere less hardwood?"

"Sorry. New environment, I was more comfortable on the floor..." He shook his head. "...obviously not working so well tonight."

They got off the floor and he walked to the bathroom to wash his face. Zoe put up some tea. "Want to watch some David Attenborough nature specials? They're like non-pharmaceutical sedation..." she called out from the kitchen.

"You think it'll help?" Bucky asked, walking out of the bathroom.

"Couldn't hurt, plus, they're awesome." Zoe handed him a mug and walked back into the guest room. "You coming, Terminator?"

"You don't have to stay, I'm much better now. Thank you." Bucky felt bad about waking her up. "You've already done plenty."

"Shut up and get in here, 'The Blue Planet' is starting, Barnes!" Zoe smiled at him, patting the side of the bed next to her. "We're already up, might as well hang out."

Bucky shook his head and tried to hide the smile threatening to give away his relief. "Thank you, Zoe. I mean it..."

Hours later, Bucky woke up with a start, confused by his surroundings, as he was on a bed and not the floor. Zoe was awkwardly sleeping on the opposite edge of the bed, half dangling off the side of the bed, on top of the covers. He couldn't help but smile as he got up and pulled his side of the blanket over her. She didn't move, so he left her to sleep as he made his way out to make some breakfast. Because he was a bit of a clod in the unfamiliar kitchen, she didn't get to sleep in for long.

"Please don't burn down my house, Barnes." Zoe muttered as she walked past him to get some water.

"Shit. Did I wake you? I was trying to let you sleep..." Bucky felt like an ass. "...I wasn't sure how you liked your eggs, so I hope scrambled is okay?"

"That's sweet, but I don't actually eat them." She yawned, grabbing some cereal.

"Fucking hell..." he mumbled under his breath.

"Really, it was a very nice gesture." Zoe smiled. "I take it the nature specials worked?"

"Yes, although now I really want to watch them and not fall asleep." Bucky smiled back. He couldn't remember the last time he actually slept so soundly after a nightmare. "Thank you again for your help last night..."

"You'd do the same for me." Zoe cut him off. "PTSD isn't a contest, at least, not one anyone wants to win..."

"You too? Oh, right, of course..." Bucky looked down at his feet in embarrassment, lots of people who survived the Blip had it. "Hopefully we get some news from Sam today."

"In the meantime, what do you feel like doing? What's on your must-watch list?" Zoe smirked. "Or is it a matter of national security?"

"Here." Bucky handed over his phone, showing his list of movies and shows to be watched.

"These are arranged by decade!" Zoe laughed. "And color-coded by genre! Did you do that or do the recommendations come in chronological order?"

"All me, I'm afraid..." he chuckled, embarrassed. "...I guess I am a bit of a nerd..."

"Lucky for you, I kind of have a thing for nerds." She smiled. "No. Fucking. Way...you've never seen the Indiana Jones movies?!?!?" Zoe jumped up and ran into the living room to grab her boxed set. "Remind me to have words with Samuel later for this massive oversight."

"Uh, he's actually not sure I'll like them, with all the crazy nazi stuff..." Bucky looked a little nervous. "He thinks they might hit a little too close to home for me."

"Shit, I guess they are more than a little Hydra-esque..." Zoe stopped fiddling with the boxes. "...maybe he has a point..."

"Fuck it." Bucky laughed. "Let's see what they got wrong...plus it's Han Solo playing the Jones guy, right?"

"Are you sure?" Zoe cautioned. "I don't want to end up falling off the edge of your bed again tonight."

"Why not? It's just a movie, I actually lived with those bastards..." he smirked. "...no promises on the falling out of bed thing, though."

"Sweet! I'll bake cookies while we watch the first one!" Zoe excitedly jumped up and down.

"Need some help?" Bucky asked sincerely.

"Hell no, stay the fuck out of my kitchen, Barnes!" Zoe laughed.

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