33. Dinosaur Hero

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As soon as they were checked into the base, Bucky asked for Zoe's phone. She reluctantly handed it over, curious why he wanted hers, when his was the secure line.

"You resetting my passwords or something?" She questioned. "Please don't delete anything important by accident."

"Nothing to worry about, I'm just having your device encrypted so we can talk while I'm away, if that okay with you, of course." He realized he should have asked first. "We can start with the phone, you don't have to do your laptop. Sorry, I should have asked you."

"Yes you should have, but that is extremely thoughtful of you." She pulled her laptop out of her bag and handed it to him. "Do I have to do anything?"

"We'll see what the techs need, but it shouldn't be much." He relaxed that she was okay with it. "Unless you want a separate military-grade device, we can do that, too."

"No thanks, I like my stuff." She smirked. "Am I under arrest if I break them or lose them now?"

"No, but I might have to think of a suitable punishment if I can't get a hold of you..." he smirked back. "You sure you're okay with all of this?"

"I spent over 3 years at the compound, this is nothing." She laughed. "Do I need to have my retinas scanned to answer a text?"

"Only if you want to." He deadpanned. "Otherwise, blood samples are fine."

"Fucking super people..." she shook her head, trying not to laugh. "You're lucky you're fucking adorable, Barnes."

"I try." He looked around quickly to check for agents in the area, finding none in the immediate vicinity. He swept her into his arms and kissed her deeply. "Just so you know, I think you're fucking adorable, too."

"Thank you, Sergeant Barnes." She grinned at him. "What kind of court martial am I looking at if I pull you into a supply closet right now?"

"Sadly, I'd be the one in trouble." He laughed. "You're a civilian, you'd be fine."

Sam walked in to get Zoe, but yelled when he saw them making out. "Hey! Cut the shit, you two! You can't do that in here! Have some damn respect!"

"Someone's jealous, James!" Zoe laughed and shot Bucky a mischievous look. "I think someone needs a hug..."

"Oh hell no! Get away from me, Terminator!" Sam screamed as Bucky walked towards him, arms out. "Don't you dare!"

Zoe ran up behind Sam and hugged him from the back while Bucky wrapped his arms around them both. "Can't have Sam feeling left out and unloved!" Zoe cackled. "We still love you, Birdman!"

"Okay, love is a bit strong..." Bucky snickered, squeezing Sam harder as he squirmed. "This better, Birdbrain?"

"I hate you both so much right now." Sam sighed while the other two cracked up and let go.

Bucky and Sam had to go prep for the mission, leaving Zoe to settle in to her new surroundings. It wasn't bad. She had her own room with a bathroom and was free to move around base in all unrestricted areas. She did have to sign in and out of the building she was staying in and scan her ID wherever she went, but it was pretty simple. She hung out at the mess and read a book for a while until an agent found her to return her phone. She immediately texted both of her guys to see if it worked. Sam sent back a ridiculous photo of Bucky getting his head stuck in a gun harness that someone had forgotten to unlock. Bucky sent her a message about how Sam was having "mission jitters" and farting up a storm. She shook her head thinking about how the hell she had gotten mixed up with these two idiots in the first place.

Just before heading to bed, there was a knock on her door. Bucky and Sam were there, dressed in their battle gear. She took the opportunity to laugh at Sam's spandex and tried not to drool at Bucky's more subtle black leather. She walked with them down to the hangar where a Quinjet was waiting. She said her goodbyes to Sam and reminded him not to do anything stupid. Sam walked onto the jet to give them a moment alone.

"You gonna miss me?" Bucky asked, arms around her tightly. "Cause I miss you already, Ms. Jacobs."

"You're kind of a sap, Sergeant Barnes." She chuckled. "And yes, I will miss you more than I care to admit. Take care of yourself please. Don't let Sam die, either." She kissed him. "I mean it. Get your unnaturally fine ass back here in one piece, okay?"

"I'll do my best." He chuckled and sweetly kissed her. "Thanks for giving me something to come back for."

"Are there post-mission rituals, too?" She winked. "Seriously. Be good out there. I'm really proud of you."

"You are?" He almost choked at how much that simple phrase effected him. "I'm not exactly something to be proud of..."

"James, you fight to keep the world safe. What's more noble than that?" She looked into his eyes. "Just because you think your past acts overshadow what you do now doesn't make it true. You're my dinosaur hero, in so many ways. Remember that."

"I love you." He breathed.

"I know." She smirked back.

"Did you just Han Solo me, Zoe?" He laughed and kissed her head. "Well played."

"Damn right." She laughed. "Now go before Sam shoots us both."

"Definitely can't have that." He chuckled. "Behave yourself on base, don't get into trouble and end up kicked out!"

"Wouldn't dream of it!" She smiled. "I love you. Be safe. Come back to me."

"Working on it!" He joked as he walked onto the jet. "See you soon, hopefully with a few less nazi assholes in the world!"

"Go kick some ass!" She shouted back.

As the jet took off, Zoe tried not to cry with how worried she was.

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