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The woman struggled to drag herself out of bed the next morning. The thaught of the tall blond was still in her mind, and she could barely wait for next weekend.

She quickly slipped on a dress and some flats before heading out towards her workplace. It was the same routine every day and never a minute late.

"Miss (l/n)!" The class cheered happily moments after she entered the room. She took a moment to blink and compose herself.

"You've never been late before! We thaught something happened!" A few students chimed relived.

She really was never late. Nothing ever went wrong in her life. Not since she had eaten that devil fruit.

"I'm sorry! I was out late last night." Her apologies caused the classroom to boom with questions.

"Where you with a boy?!"

"Are you getting married?!"

"What's his name?!"

"Are you having a kid"

"Can we meet him?!!"

Everyone's questions chimed together as they begged their teacher for the answers to their questions.

"Now now. I don't need to tell a class full of kids my business!" Her face was as red as the apple on her desk.

"Now! Quiet! We need to get started... and if the principle asks if I was late..." Everyone pretended to zip their lips and she mouthed a thank you.

"Today we will be learning about the history of pirates!" The class boomed again in excitement. She knew the topic would get the off of the topic at hand.

But the entire day she could only think about the man from the night before. He had piqued her interest.

"Rosie!" A woman hollored down the hall forcing him to drag himself out of the comfortable bed. He didn't wanna get up and go to work today.

"I'd you don't hurry up your father will fire you!" She yelled down the hall. The smell of cooking food finally woke him up.

He walked down the hallway and sat down In his chair.

"What? No loud thud this morning?" An older woman laughed flipping something in the pan.

"Apparently not..." He sighed with a groggy voice. His father walked out of his room fully dressed and ready for work.

"I'm sorry Liz, work needs me to come in early today. Apparently someone royally screwed up the paper work and I have to go fix it." He sighed kissing his wife twice before heading out the door.

"And you need to get dressed!" He herd his father yell through the closed door. His mom was oddly quiet until she knew her husband was gone.

"So! Tell me about her!" His mom squealed turning around towards her son.

"Huh!?" Rosinante questioned with red cheeks.

"The girl your father said he saw you with! Tell me about her!" His mom yelled loudly wanting the whole story.

"Well um... we met at the bar last night, and kinda hit it off. I'm taking her on another date Friday night too." He said poking at his food.

"Why dont you take her to that seafood place that's right down by the shore? It's a romantic restaurant too. You get payed good money at your position so you should be able to afford it!" She cheered trying to plan his date.

She sniffed the air before spinning around, "shit! Shit! Shit!"She yelled yanking the Burning food off of the stove.

"Alright go get dressed before I burn the house down." She sighed trying to get the burnt food out of the pan.

He shook his head before walking back to his room to get dressed and ready for the day.

The rest of the week continued to creep by slowly further both of them. It continued to drag on day by day until finally, Friday had arrived.

"Well, I don't know what to wear!" She huffed angrily pulling everything out of her closet. Finally, she settled on a short (f/c) dress that was mildly tight fitted. She quickly did up her hair and everything else that needed to be done.

He slipped on a pair of pants and a casual button up before combing his messy blond hair.

He walked down the street earning a few looks from unattractive woman before reaching her house. With a firm knock, he waited for her to answer the door.

She quickly opened it with a big smile. They where both looking forward to the date.

"Wow... you look amazing." He complimented politely.

"You look pretty good yourself." She giggled walking down the stairs.

"I don't know where we are going..." She stated.

"Don't worry, it's a surprise." He stated taking her hand in his much bigger one.

"Are you going to murder me or something?" She asked with a raised brow. He just shook his head and continued guiding her towards the restaurant his mom had told him about.

"I might just lose my job if I do that." He joked playfully. The rest of the walk was in a comfortable silence.

Sengoku watched from a bush.



Sleep well! Don't forget your medications! Make sure you've had a glass of water and eaten!

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