Chapter 3 (Part 1)

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"Master Wu, Hall Mistress."

The silver charms and beads jingled sweetly as a smiling Madame Scarlett bent low at her waist to pay her respects to Master Wu and Luna.

This is so unusual seeing her bow at me. I can't take this etiquette from her...

Biting her lip, Luna's lashes brushed her cheeks as she struggled to contain her unease and embarrassment. Feeling slightly guilty, she swallowed hard before saying to the woman meekly, "Madame Scarlett, I hope you won't take offence to my new position. I actually never thought that it would become like this."

Cheeks round with the size of her grin, Madame Scarlett quickly reassured her. "I am not a clueless person. There is nothing for me to lament about as I can still dress in good quality and stand proud within the walls of Jianan City."

Hearing this, Master Wu dipped his head and grumbled with approval. "Both of you shall now help each other take care of The Descending Jade Hall. Madame Scarlett, this is the best you could have hoped for in light of your rule breaking. I shall leave the Hall Mistress in your care. I still have things to take care of so I'll take my leave."

As the two women watched Master Wu's back retreat around the corner of the entrance to the Hall's main center, Madame Scarlett swept out her left arm and gestured for Luna to follow her. Coming to a stop next to a tea table laden with bamboo scrolls, Madame Scarlett motioned to them. "Hall Mistress, these are the record books for the Hall this past year. Please have a look over them and if there is anything you don't understand, I will explain to the best of my ability."

I don't want her being so formal. What if... what if things never go back to the same as before?!

Sighing, Luna gripped Madame Scarlett's forearms. "Madame Scarlett, just call me Luna like usual. Hall Mistress is just the title of my duty!"

Moving back just out of reach of Luna, Madame Scarlett bowed. "Yes, Hall Mistress."

Bending at her own waist and popping her head under Madame Scarlett's hidden one near her chest, Luna's mouth formed an O shape."Luuuna."

Bending even lower, Madame Scarlett said again. "Yes, Hall Mistress."

Crouching down on both knees, Luna's exasperated smile lit up her face. "Luuuuna!"

Unable to take it any longer, Madame Scarlett's face cracked open into a bright smile. Nobody can resist this face of hers, this adorable child. "Alright, alright. I know, Luuuna!"

Pulling the satisfied Luna up, they went and sat on the gold edged cushions by the tea table, whose surface was piled high with the bamboo records. Smiling at her fondly, Madame Scarlett teased. "Your responsibility is not light now. When Master Wu told me you will be coming back, I was overjoyed at the fact that you're somebody sent by the Stone Master. I have finally found a large tree to shield me in times of crisis now! To be honest, Master Wu must have noticed the special relationship you have with the Stone Master, thus took this opportunity to introduce you into caring for our Hall. He hopes for you to revive our business, you know?"

Previously a glowing content face, Luna's expression turned serious and concerned. "How's the Hall doing in terms of business now?"

Madame Scarlett's lashes swept to the movement of her troubled eyes as her tinted lips pursed with displeasure.

"It's bad enough that Shuang Shuang left to our biggest rival hall but she also took with her two of our rather promising dancers with her too! Belle, although her skills foundation is rather stable, doesn't place any effort in her lessons. All she wants to do is leave."

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