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After a mission, Luke quickly dropped by on Mandalore to surprise Din. He knocked on his door. When the other opened the door he smiled at him.

"Hey, what are you doing here, mesh'la?"

"Well, I wanted to see you and thought I'd drop by." Luke moved closer putting his arms around his neck. "Hope I don't have bad timing."

"No, not at all. Come in." Din let him inside before closing the door behind him. "So, don't you have work tomorrow?"

"Nope." The Jedi let the p pop. "It's the weekend."

"Oh right, I must've lost track of time. Had a lot of stuff going on here. Why can't someone just take this position from me?" He sat down on the couch taking off his helmet.

"You wanna tell me about it?"

"Hm, wouldn't want to bore you."

"You could never bore me." Luke sat down next to him leaning against him. He listened to him vent while playing with his armor. "Sounds tough."


He pulled him into a kiss. "I missed you, Din." His hands gently caressed his cheek.

"I missed you too."

For a few moments, they just sat like that enjoying each other's company before Luke spoke up again. "You want to go on a date tomorrow? I might have a nice idea."


"Perfect." He kissed him again this time longer. "You know there's something we could do to destress you."


"Yes, Grogu's at Leia's. We have your apartment all to ourselves and no work tomorrow. I could take care of you." Luke moved closer to him looking up at him.

Din looked at him and felt himself getting excited at the idea. "I think that's a great idea. You're probably really overworked, too, with all the work for the Senate and Jedi business."

Without any hesitation, the Jedi climbed onto his lap kissing him passionately and getting his hands tangled up in his hair. "Yeah, work's stressful."

Din pulled him closer and couldn't help but smile through the kiss. He let his hands roam over his body. "I really missed you."

"I am glad I came over." Luke pulled his shirt off before starting to take off the other's armor having figured out how to after some practice. "Leia asked if we wanted to come over for dinner and a movie next week."

"Hm, we can." Din kissed him again a bit more sloppily as he watched him take off the armor. "Need any help, mesh'la?"

Luke pulled it off after a few more seconds. "That would have really hurt my ego." He chuckled before pulling off his shirt as well and kissing down his neck to his collarbone.

Din watched him kissing down his torso before unbuckling his pants. What really got to him though was the way he kept looking at him and how he was keeping eye contact. He was crazy about him and the way he made him feel. While Luke was working on him with his mouth he let his hands run through his hair gently petting it which made the other hum happily. "Kriff-"

The Jedi bobbed his head up and down enthusiastically happy at any groan he earned from him. He bathed in knowing he made him feel good and him petting his head. When the other started to move his hip with him he knew he was doing a good job watching him come undone as he held onto his thighs. He felt his pets turn into a firm grip as he pulled on his hair making him yelp and double his efforts to get him off.

The Mandalorian felt his head spin and fall back as he came.

Luke climbed back onto the sofa with him lazily kissing his neck. He grinned seeing him out of breath and gently caressed his cheek. "Good?"

Din kissed him answering the question. His head was still spinning when he looked at his love smiling at him looking like an absolute mess in the best way possible. "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum." He was absolutely madly in love with him.

"No matter what that means, it sounds hot." Luke chuckled pulling him down with him so he would lie on top of him. "I should learn Mando'a someday." He got interrupted by a kiss.

"Don't, it lets me get away with things."

"Get away with things? What-" He got interrupted by a moan when the other softly bit his neck before sucking on it. "Trying to distract- ah- me?" He harshly sucked in some air when he felt his hand slip into his pants. "You're lucky you're so good at-"

Din knew precisely what he liked. He worked his way over his scars applying pressure on them and kissing him. Before parting he carefully bit his lip. "What if I am?" He pulled him closer.

"Kriff," the Jedi paused. "Oh, I don't care. Grab into my left pocket-" His breathing was labored and he needed the other to get on with it.

When Din let go of him to look in it he heard him whimper. So he quickly pulled out a bottle of lube the other apparently had stashed. He looked at him amused.

"Look I had a feeling, okay?" Luke pulled him into a kiss. "Now,-" He watched him tease him slowly coating his fingers. "Kriff, Din-" He chuckled frustrated. When he felt him starting to stretch him out a bit, still teasingly slow he felt like he was about to go insane. "I swear to everything I hold dear-" He got interrupted by a small moan.

The Mandalorian enjoyed teasing him. On top of that, he was scared of hurting him if he went too fast. He hummed and pushed in another finger while sweetly kissing his forehead.

"Din, please-" Luke begged him in an almost sing-song voice. "I want you, now, please." He pulled him into a kiss. "You're not going to hurt me, just please-" Before he knew it the other stopped teasing and pulled out his fingers making him whine at the loss of contact. After applying more lube he felt him push in and for a few seconds he felt like he couldn't breathe as his hands clung onto his shoulders. A few slow and careful thrusts in he got used to it. He felt all sorts of sounds escape his mouth. "Kriff-"

"Are you good?" Din gently caressed his cheek. "Want me to pick up the pace, Cyar'ika?"

"Yes, please!" Luke didn't even notice the new word he called him as he threw his head back.

Obliging Din picked up his pace much to the other's delight. He grabbed onto his waist to have a better grip, feeling it arch. Seeing him like this, like this beautiful mess was amazing. He loved hearing him moan under him and call out his name in this barely audible tone. After everything that happened this was good. It felt like this was how things were supposed to be. He was just happy Grogu wasn't with them because the Jedi did not keep quiet.

"Din-" Luke felt his hands grip onto the other tighter when he came, riding out his orgasm as the other kept thrusting into him being close himself. He felt his head spin completely content pulling his lover into a kiss before feeling him come inside of him.

The Mandalorian pushed out after a few seconds. He kissed his cheek up to his mouth just softly and pushed some strands of hair out of his face. "You're so beautiful, Cyar'ika."

Luke chuckled pulling him down next to him. "I look like a mess." He kissed him, exhausted. "Thanks though."

"Anytime, mesh'la." Din caressed his cheek looking at him softly.

The way he looked at him made the Jedi's heart melt. He got flustered hiding his face in his chest. "We should really get cleaned up."


"Join me in the shower?" Luke looked up at him smiling.

Din hummed in agreement and after cleaning up and taking care of the couch they sat down to watch a movie. The Jedi nestled against him. He loved this, being with him. There was nothing he loved more, well except for the Mandalorian himself. He made him feel wanted and safe. The way he looked at him made him forget all the pain of his past. The pain the empire inflicted on him. He didn't want to imagine his life without him. Every time they were apart he couldn't stop thinking about him and this went beyond wanting to hook up. It has been beyond that for too long. He wanted to have a life with him and grow old with him, see the grey hairs sprouting from his head when the time came.

Din had his arms around him and couldn't really concentrate on the movie because all he could see was him curled up against him. He watched his chest softly rise and sink. This was good. This had to be the way because it felt so damn right.

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