Date and Past regrets

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The next day, when Grogu was already asleep. Din sat down next to the other taking a deep breath. "Can we talk for a moment, mesh'la?"

"Sure, what is it? Did Grogu do something?"

"No, it's- look I've been thinking about this whole hooking up thing and I really like you a lot, like a lot a lot. I just- Would you like to go on a date sometime?"

Luke felt his face go red. He would love to but after his experiences with dating, he was scared to ruin what they have. "We don't have to. Look I'll gladly keep sleeping with you so you don't have to feel like you should ask me out or something. Plus you don't want to go on a date with me not really."

"I do. I don't feel like I have to ask you out I genuinely want to." Din gently tried to take his hand.

Luke wanted to pull away but stopped and let the other put his hand on his. "Din, I'm no good with relationships. I don't want you getting hurt."

"I'm not good with it either. But I trust you. You know so much about me, I let you see me. You're important to me."

"You're important to me too." Luke felt his throat cease together. It felt difficult to breathe. He wasn't used to this, to this kind of intimacy. Before his emotions could bubble over he spoke up again. "Sure, let's go on a date."


"Yeah, I mean I like you a lot, too." The Jedi smiled but couldn't hide the blush that crept onto his cheeks. "So what do you want to do on our date?" He crept closer to the other.

"I'll surprise you." Din loved seeing the other smile.

"Uh, mysterious. I like it." The Jedi came even closer nearly kissing him and putting his hand on the other's thigh. "But you gotta give me a tip. What if I'm overdressed for the venue?"

"You're always overdressed, mesh'la." He grinned back at him.

"What if I ask really nicely?" Luke let his hand wander to the other's crotch.

"Nope." Din kissed him sweetly but shortly. "Just wear comfortable shoes." He got up. "I'll go check on Grogu."

When he left Luke kept staring after him. He thought no one could ever like him like that. He was like an anchor, he had issues and tended to always nearly drown in them but it didn't startle Din, didn't drive him away. The more the other knew about him, his faults, the closer he got. He let himself fall back on the sofa. Maybe this time things would work out, would be okay.

Din was sitting next to Grogu's bed he loved being able to watch over him like that. He would always keep him safe no matter what. He put the blanket further over the kid and went back to the Jedi having poured them some drinks. "Vodka?"

"Aww, you know me too well!" Luke sat back up again and beamed at him. He took the glass and took a sip. "I gotta work tomorrow." He sighed.

"How long?" Din sat back down next to him.

"Til four." Luke leaned against him.

"How about I pick you up at six for that date?"

"Mhh, two hours to lock up the school, get home, and get ready? Okay, I can manage that." He smiled.

"You always look good, mesh'la."

"Aww, that's sweet." Luke took another sip. "But still." They stayed like that for a while until Luke spoke up again. "Hey, Din, can I ask you something?"


"Could we go visit my childhood home together someday? I haven't been there in a long time, I couldn't bare it but I want to go there. Would you accompany me?"

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