Hangover and Regrets

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Luke woke up the next morning to a blaring headache and a glass of water with pills on the bed stand. He quickly took them looking down at himself, fresh clothes. That's a new one. He also smelled breakfast. That's also new? Curious he stood up walking to the kitchen where Din was making eggs.

The Mandalorian turned around looking at him. "Up already? Thought you'd be out longer."

Luke blinked a few times trying to gather his thoughts. "Did we?"

"No. You suggested it though."

He got beat red and felt weirdly touched that the other didn't sleep with him in his drunken state. That was definitely new. He felt his heart flutter. "Sorry, I-"

"It's fine. You were drunk. Are you feeling okay?" Din came up to him pulling off his glove and putting his hand on his forehead.

Luke got even redder realizing this was the first time they actually touched skin to skin. "Y-yeah!"

"You sure? You're hot. Maybe they really put something in your drink."

Luke pulled his hand down from his forehand just realizing that now their hands were touching. "Y-yeah! Thanks for worrying though." He cleared his throat. "I gotta meet with Leia and pick up Grogu, sorry! See you in a bit!"

He ran to grab his coat before quickly leaving.

Din just stared at the door. "Well, that was weird? Did I make him uncomfortable?"

When Luke reached Leia and Han's home he was lucky to just catch his sister. "Leia we gotta talk now! It's an emergency."

"Should I get Han?"

"No!" Luke shrieked before collecting himself. "Sibling thing."

"Okay, come in. Let's sit down in my office. No one will disturb us there." They went to sit down. After closing the door Leia looked at him worried. "So what's the matter?"

"I asked Din to sleep with me!" Luke blurted out.

"You what?!"

"We didn't but I got drunk yesterday and asked him if he wanted to sleep with me! I don't know how to behave around him now and-"

"Wait, first of all, he turned you down?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Do you like him or were you just horny?"


"It's easy. Do you have a crush on him?"

Luke just stared at her blankly. Before blushing. "No! He has a morally grey job and I've never seen his face and he has this weird gruff exterior but respects me and treats me well and the way he handles Grogu is teeth rotting sweet and-" He cleared his throat. "No! Definitely not!"

"Sounds like you like him-"

"I don't!"

"Okay but hypothetically what if you liked him? Why don't you just ask him out on a date or flirt with him like you would with your other crushes?"

"I couldn't, not with him."

"What are you so scared of?"

"What if when he sees me like really sees me he doesn't like it and is disappointed? What if when I ask him on a date he doesn't want to and things get weird? His son is my student."

"Any more what ifs?" Leia chuckled.

"What if he opens up a door and I can't close it? I'm scared of shedding my shell and letting people in." Luke looked down frustrated. "I shouldn't have these feelings! I'm a Jedi I shouldn't want a relationship but I just want to see him, want to hold his hands and kiss him."

"Hey! Calm down. What happened to your big 'Jedis should have bonds, they make them stronger' thing?"

"That's different! They're not me. They won't mess up as much as I do and don't have a father that was a Sith. I already let my emotions run free too much."

"For the record, this is self-destructive. You can't hold yourself to higher standards than others. You can't pretend your emotions aren't there."

"For the record, I'm aware of that." Luke sighed and fell further back into the chair. "But ever since this morning I've been picturing his body draped over the bed wearing nothing but his helmet. I'm so screwed."

"Yeah." Leia pat his shoulder. "Look if you like him just try it. You miss all the shots you don't take. It's time you do what you want, not what you feel like you should do."

"I mean maybe you're right. But dating my student's dad seems wrong even if he's hot."

"Look, you got to do what makes sense to you." Leia smiled. "Crushes fade. If you feel like you shouldn't or don't want to pursue him then don't. Either way, I want updates."

Luke chuckled. "Will do."  He decided to let his crush fizzle out thinking his sister was right. Hell, he had a crush on Han at the start and that disappeared. "Thank you, I love you." He gave her a hug. "I think I should get Grogu."

"Oh yeah. He's in the garden playing with Ben." She went outside with him.

Luke immediately caught the kids' attention and while Ben ran over to him the other waddled over.

"Luke! Will you play with us?" Ben tugged his hand. He gave him puppy dog eyes.

The Jedi kneeled down. "Aww, unfair, I would love to. But Din is probably already waiting-"


"Okay, I guess he can wait a bit longer. You know I can't say no to that face." Out of 'a bit' turned an hour as he lost track of time playing with the kids.

The three got interrupted when Din came up to him. He looked at them for a while finding the scene adorable before speaking up. "Hey, Luke. Hope I'm not interrupting Leia let me in."

"It's all good." Luke smiled at him and went inside with him away from the kids to apologize but the other did so first.

"Sorry about this morning and-"

"I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. I was too drunk yesterday and I shouldn't have. That was very unprofessional of me."

"It's fine. I'm just glad you didn't throw up on my shoes."

"Asshole." Luke chuckled. "Let's get Grogu and go home." They gathered Grogu and said their goodbyes.

The flight was normal. Luke noticed Din glancing over at him a bit more than usual and liked it.

Din was confused. The Jedi had acted so strangely this morning and now he was back to normal. But he was glad to have him back to his cheery exterior.

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