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The camera shuttered. I stared at the photo of Ralph posing seriously in front of the fountain, he looked like a model, "Nah, try again. Your face looks a bit ugly in this." Lifting the camera up again, the strap loosening around the back of my neck as I lifted it up.

Ralph playfully glared at me slightly, "I know we had our little moment before. But still, watch your tongue."  He turned hiding his smile.

So he does smile.

For the last twenty minutes I had been taking photographs of Ralph, for an art reference he'll need for his class.

I discovered three facts about Ralph which had baffled me. The first fact is that he is doing an art class. He mentioned at how art helps him concentrate and flush out the negative, angry thoughts from his mind. How each stroke represents each worry and when putting it on the canvas it gets transferred into something beautiful.

Second fact, he likes someone.

I know right.

I was shocked too.

Ralph having a crush seemed impossible to me.

He was nervous around her, and his bipolar didn't help when he saw other male classmates near her or touching her.

In fact, he was currently suspended for two weeks due to getting into a fight with another student. Which just so happened to be him beating the shit out of the other guy.

He then explained that the guy had been inappropriately touching his crush without her consent.

And to be fair. After hearing that, I don't blame him.

And the third fact was that his birthday landed exactly on my birthday; August 8th. However, Ralph was a year older than me, so he was eighteen whereas I was seventeen.

I sighed, "It was worth it." My wrist had begun to ache from Vivianne's grip.

Ralph noticed, standing up from where he sat in front of the fountion. His gaze towards me was serious but gentle.

"That's the one! Stay still, do not move from that expression." I lifted my camera up taking a photo of Ralph as he stood.

He frowned slightly, "Was that on purpose?"

I shook my head, "No, my wrist is actually starting to hurt. Do you think we should head back?" There was laughter coming from over the houses where the town square was.

Just before Ralph could reply Maximus came jogging around the corner, relaxing slightly once he noticed we were together, he was followed by Bruno. They didn't even take seconds to catch their breaths.

Not even a sweat.

Maximus swore, "We thought something bad happened to you guys."

"I messaged Giovanni. " Ralph explained, opening his phone and his face frowning as he smiled shyly noticing the message hadn't gone through. "Ah. No signal."

Maximus stressfully shot a glare at Ralph, they began bickering over whether Ralph should've checked the signal or just come to tell them. They then began speaking in Italian whispering bitter words I couldn't quite fully hear.

I stared at Bruno as he came to hug me, he checked my face and body making sure I was okay, "Fuck, you've been crying? Where did you get those bruises on your chin? And your wrist, are you okay?"

"Language," I whispered, he didn't laugh. I thought it was quite humorous though.

Bruno glared at Ralph, "Did you do this?"

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