Unexpected Ally

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"Blah blah blah blah blah..." Leo mocks as he makes a puppet mimic Raph with his free hand.

Raph twitches his eye. "Fine! Be that way! I'll find the stupid bug myself..."

"Yeah go right ahead..." Leo says. As Raph walks away Mikey sits up right and speaks up.

"Guys don't bicker over some nonsense now! How about we squash 'em bugs together and take the rest of the night off, hm? What do you say?"

Leo lets out a heavy sigh, "Ugh fineee..." He defeatedly hops off the top of the swing and walks in Ralph's direction.

Raph smiles and nods approvingly. "Come on bros, it couldn't have gotten far..." The four proceed to walk around the park.


On the other side of the park I pulled my moped over and began to inspect the place. From my handy dandy gadget belt, I took out my mutant tracker. Oddly when I try to lock in a location on the bug, the signal goes haywire!

"Shit it must be broken..." my eyes then widened when I realized the other possibility, "Or there are mutants around... oh no, I was too late..." I move my head swiftly around and focus on everything around me.

From the corner of my eyes, I catch a glimpse of a luminous vermin. It glows wickedly on the side of a tall slide. I cautiously climb up the playground ladder and make my way to it with an open jar.

Laced inside my jar is a sweet smelling sap that will lure them into my trap. I whip out a flashlight from my utility belt and flicker the light at the bug to get its attention.

It peels itself off from the slide and begins to hover over to me.

"That's right little guy... riiightt into my trap..." I say as I wait upon its arrival.

It floats a few inches in front of me. I grew a little impatient so I swished the jar into the air scooping the vermin up. I immediately seal the lid and shake the jar like a snow globe. I observe it as it swarms around inside, clearly pissed off at me.

"Aw don't be upset... even though I deprived you of all your rights— dumbasses never prevail!" I say.

"Hey! They are about to release the oozequito!" I hear a voice shout across from the park. I see four large green figures rush towards me.


"Oh fuck!" I say as I run through the playground with the jar in my grasp. I manage to climb up to the second level of the playground by the time they reach me. I stared at them while they stood confidently below me. Hm they resemble turtles...

"Hand over the oozequito and no one will get hurt..." the red masked one says.

"I'm afraid I can't do that..." I say as I clench the jar tighter. I gracefully fall backwards on the slide behind me and flee.

"They're getting away!" Mikey shouts alarmed.

"Not on my watch!" Leo says. He moves his sword in a circle motion creating an electrical blue portal.

I was running until I was halted by... magic? I stop in my tracks and observe the strange portal in front of me.

"What in the absolute fuc—"

"Alright, shows over man!" the blue masked turtle says as he steps out of the portal with his other friends. He aims his sword at me, "Give us that jar!"

I avert my eyes to the portal behind them. "Did you just casually open up a portal?" I ask pointing behind them.

"Yeah, pretty sick huh?" the blue mask says.

Not Your Edgy Bitch (ROTTMNT Donnie X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu