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Max sat on the weirdly cold matress, waiting for David. David had said that he would get Max and Max trusted him on that.

But, it's been two weeks and there was no sign of David. He didn't want to lose hope, but he certainly did. He thought that David had just lied to him to make him feel better about being sent to an orphanage.

Max's eyes got watery at the thought of that. He hated it here, it was kind of the same as home, nearly as terrible.

It was about twelve thirty in the morning. He felt a breeze from the open window was making his hair flow. He looked outside to see a black sky, some stars scattered across the sky and a bright white Cresent moon.

He smiled a bit af the view. It reminded him about that day David had caught Max staring at the sky.

He felt his smile fade at the name. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and not get emotional.

He put his head down on his pillow, adjusting himself side to side to get comfortable. He put the blanket on and shut his eyes to see darkness.

It wasn't long until he had fallen asleep. But it wasn't too long until somebody had opened the door, awaking the boy.

He groaned a bit and rubbed his eyes to see who was there.

His vision cleared and he realized who stood before him.

It was a tall, black haired man. He looked like he was somewhere in his late thirties. He had stains on his grey plain shirt, most likely beer. After all, he had just a can in his hand.

His roomate awakened at the opened door also, but went to sleep right after with a disturbed grumble.

The boy pushed himself up with his arms yawning and stretching his arms over his head.  He sighed a bit before questioning the man why he was here.

The man's face expression suddenly changed from a bored face to a rather frustrated look.

He dropped his can and came closer, making Max scoot back on his bunk. Maxs eyes had widened, and he turnt his face away from his. He squeezed close his eyes, obviously frightened.

His face was only a couple of millimeters away from Max's. Max was terrified of him, mostly because of this. He always got angry at the kids and took his anger out on them. He beat the kids almost as terrible as his father had did to him.

But thankfully, he didn't use knifes on them. Only his hands. Unfortunately, he was really strong so every punch hurt like shit.

He grabbed Max by the neck and dragged him outside while his roommate was snoring, drool escaping his mouth.

He took him down the hardwood stairs with his hand still holding him by the neck. Max's face was turning dark red, nearly turning into a purple colour. He was fighting for air, his arms and legs wiggling, trying to hit him to stop. He felt a bit lightheaded, but eventually they got downstairs and the man threw him onto the ground.

Max didn't want to run, he knew if he did, he'd get caught and get an even bigger beating he was in for right now.

Max took multiple punches to the face, some kicks the stomach, and a couple of slaps.

The man picked max up by his hair, making him wince a but at the pain. Blood was gushing out of his nose, he had a busted lip and his eye was staring to swell and turn purple.

The man grinned a bit of the sight of his work. "Look kid, I don't care how young you are or what you have been through. You give me sass, you get a beating." He growled at max, the words and pain making Max whimper. He fought back teats and instead faced him with watery eyes. "Get up, and clean all this blood up. Disgusting asshole..." He said said him, pointing at the small pool of blood that came from his nose.

He left to go upstairs, as which max was cleaning up a bloody pool.

"God, David, you fucking liar.."

They Don't Care, But I Do. | A Dadvid Story |Where stories live. Discover now