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Maxs Pov

I gazed at the sky, my eyes were sparkling from the view. For once, space kid was right. Space was pretty cool.

It was around one in the morning, so i knew my ass was dead in a couple hours. I wanted to enjoy my last moments at camp.

But, everybody thinks I hate camp. I'd only they knew, maybe I could be happy for once. My shitty attitude had to ruin this one for me. But at least I'm not one of those lame ass losers who fantasize about camp. I like it, but I'm not a fan boy about this shit.

Man, I'm gonna miss this place. It's more like home to me then there. I don't wanna go. Nobody would look forward to going to my home. It's an absolute fucking living hell. And I'm not over exaggerating. Just trust me on this one.

Nobodies Pov

Max was sitting there for quite a while, just enjoying the view. the sky was a pretty dark blue, the stars were shining bright, and one of the best things about sitting there was just being alone and having some peace for once in a couple of months. But David? David wasn't enjoying anything. He was pacing back and forward trying to think of something to do.

It was the last day of camp, so he was terrified of what Max's parents may do. Even he called child protective services, what happens if there isn't enough evidence? What happens if something goes wrong?

He heart began to ache from the fear he had. He felt a nauseous feeling in his stomach. This wasn't normal to him, at all.

He decided he would take a walk to clear his head. Gwen was still fast asleep. I mean, its one in the morning, of course she is.

As he headed over to the lake, he saw something he never expected.

Max was sitting on the dock, his feet dangling on the edge. His head was tilted up, his eyes looking at the sky.

David smiled. Second wholesome moment he found. But again, no camera.

So instead of taking a picture, he decided to ask him what he was doing up.

He walked over to Max, but before he arrived, Max turned his head from the sound of close footsteps.

Maxs eyes widened, not expecting expecting see David at such a late hour. "Oh. David. What are you doing up?" Max said, trying to make small talk before running to his tent to get some peace again.

Davids mood seem to have changed when he remembered why he was outside. "Oh! Just taking a late night walk! You know me!" David said, putting on an act, not wanting to put any more pressure on Max. "But I could ask the same to you, buddy."

Davix looked really tired, 'he doesn't look like himself. I mean he does, but he looked like if David was an alchololic.' Max thought. Max arched an eyebrow. "Uhm. David are you..okay?" Max looked at him, he actually looked a bit worried. He also wanted to avoid David's question. 'God, im not myself.',
thought Max. He was right. Asking David if he was okay?  Saying thank you?? And please??? That's not the Max that everybody knew. This was a new person.

David looked surprised when the boy asked him that. He chuckled a bit at his question. "Yeah! Of course! But you didn't answer my question. What are you doing up so late, kiddo? Its one in the morning! You need sleep. your eyes are getting red." David squatted, coming down to Max's height.

Max didn't even seem irritated. He turned his body to face David without straining his neck. "Uhmm..." David arched an eyebrow. He tried to think of an excuse, his mind suddenly hitting him with one. "Oh! I just couldn't sleep. so I came here." Max said to him. But it wasn't really an excuse, he couldn't. It was around eleven when he came out. He was tired, but his body wasn't letting him.

David sighed as he watched him run off.


Neil laid down on his bed, trying to sleep.

He tossed and turned. He felt tired, but he was wide awake. All of a sudden, he heard then tent flap open.

He used his arms to boost him up to see who had come inside, but it wasn't surprising once he saw who it was.

"Neil, why the actual fuck are you up?? Its like one in the morning, go to sleep." Max said to him, rolling his eyes.

Neil did the gesture back, but also giving him his middle finger. "Its not that easy. And plus, you aren't too, so you go to sleep! ". He shifted to the other side, ignoring anything other Max had to say.

Max yawned. "Well at least fake
it." He walked over to his bed and plopped onto the green blanket.

Neil turned over again to look at Max, who was almost asleep. "You seriously dont remember?! You literally said I was shit at fake sleeping!!" He said, his eyebrows furrowed. But not in a mean way, in a kind of playful way. "Choose one thing to do, asshole!" Neil giggled.

Max let out a small laugh, "Thats because you do, though. You honestly can't blame me."

They both shared a laugh before Max almost immediately fell asleep.


David finished his walk, and let's let's it didn't exactly clear his head.

He had panic a panicked feeling rushing through his head. His palms were a bit sweaty.

At some point, he was done. He went to Gwen's desk and took a pill that was supposed to help with anxiety.

He swallowed the pill without water, because he didn't have any.

David sat on his bed, waiting for the pill to hit.

A couple minutes went by, and nothing really hit him. He was still worried about Max. Maybe even more than before. Instead, he just got more tired than he already was sitting there and doing nothing but wait.

So, instead of just sit there, he decided to lay down and drift off to sleep.

He was almost about to fall asleep as soon as he laid down.

But the last thought that crossed his mind,

'What's gonna happen to Max?'

They Don't Care, But I Do. | A Dadvid Story |Where stories live. Discover now