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The sun was shining, causing it to burn the side of maxs face from the window. He groaned as he got up, trying to place where he was. He looked to the side tp see David and Gwen on the same bed, and instantly recalled the night before. He was whatever gave him the miracle of his secret being safe. Shivers went down his spine as he remembered how terrible last night felt.

He knew that it must've been early because david was still asleep and the sun was rising. David usually was awoken at six to seven so he thought it was around five in the morning. Before he went outside, he took a deep breath trying to calm himself down from memories that occurred hours ago.

He stepped outside of the counslers cabin, his skin starting to burn the moment he got out. "Global warming is a bitch.." He muttered to himself, about to walk to his tent. He hesitated before he did, still pissed at at Neil. "Its not like he's awake. it's five am, he hates waking up unless it's important." max thought, heading towards the tent.

He opened the tent, not seeing what he expected.

"Why the fuck are you awake?" Max asked him.

"I could ask the same to you. Also where the fuck were you?" Neil replied, raising an eyebrow.

Max completely zoned out trying to think of an excuse, but nothing sparked. Second after second Neil was getting more impatient. "Max. Earth to Max! Where were you? You got me worried. I thought you got abducted by Daniel or some shit like that." Neil said to him.

Max blinked, looking at Neil's way. "Shit uh...nothing. Just go back to sleep. None of your business anyway." He desperately wanted to put Neil back in his place for spilling his secrets. 'Too early for that shit.' he thought to himself.

Neil didn't believe a word he said, but also didn't want to bother him. He brushed his curly hair out his way and tried to fall asleep again.

Max was still tired, so he went to his bed and was gonna until he remembered he would be awoken by the sound of David's irrtating voice in an hour, so just got up. 'stupid cheery asshole..' he thought to himself, walking out of the tent.

But when he stepped outside, he remembered what day it was.

August 23rd.

Tomorrow was the last day of camp.


HELLO!! thanks so much for reading my story and I apologize for the short chapter and not writing for a while. I've been quite busy and I hope you understand <3

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