Part 5

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Six months later:

Steve POV:
Wow, has time passed by so fast. Hayley, has incorporated herself extremely well with us and the X-Men team. She even managed to bring Scott Summers and Emma Frost together seeing that Jean and Logan have been together for sometime. She has gained another set of parents in them. Nevertheless, she sometimes goes to teach and train at the Xavier Institute.

Beyond that, she was able to bring back Pietro for Wanda. Wanda had been having darkness overtake her spirit but she was able to bring that back through Pietro. It was beautiful to see them be reunited. Surprisingly, now Pietro and Wanda tag-team in taking care of Hayley. Sometimes, I wonder if in another life she was their triplet for how in sync she is with them. With technicality being the youngest, both siblings are extremely overprotective of her.

Jean has taught her to be in sync with her Phoenix and her powers with the help of Charles. Her powers are magnificent especially since she uses them to do good for humanity. Logan and her go off hunting sometimes together since she's also part werewolf/vampire she needs blood to survive. He truly is the definition of a girl dad because anything she asks, he delivers. Jean laughs because Hayley has even gotten some of his traits. Extremely funny to watch especially because she gained a lot of Jeans traits.

Due to her youth appearance, Tony forced her to go to college and get an education. And surprisingly she took mechanical engineering with computer science. She truly is a 2.0 Tony. Tony gave her a place in his company and Pepper also became a mother figure to her. She literally makes her dinner and makes sure she does her homework. Nevertheless, brings out her human parts of her. And Morgan sees her like an older sister and idolizes her. On the other hand, she sees Morgan like her sister as well. Like they even call each other sisters.

Clint, Bucky and Natasha help with her fighting techniques and have also become parental figures to her. Although she seems them more like older siblings. Natasha has become more sentimental seeing that her sister has now joined our team. Natasha has opened a lot to Hayley so much that Hayley has become her sounding board. On the other hand, Yelena has become her twin flame seeing that their the same age.

Bruce and the rest of the Avengers have become her best friends. She literally has become everyone's favorite person seeing that she's generous, a warrior, compassionate like Jean, empathetic like Professor Xavier, strong-willed like Logan, a leader to follow like Scott, a bit selfish like Tony, smartass like Natasha and Yelena, brainiac like Bruce, good listener like Clint, and jokester like the twins.

With that said, all those qualities have me completely in love with her. And I know Thor is as well. She has become both of our best friends and is always there when we need her. What's there not to like about her?

I also understand that she has a daughter with another man. Nevertheless, that she will eventually be reunited with her daughter. However, I honestly don't mind. Because anything of her, I will love.

Thor POV:
Hayley is honestly a fresh of new air. She is extremely funny, sarcastic, but wonderful at listening and being there for anyone. She has become the favorite professor in the Xavier Institute and no one has cared seeing that she understands and empathizes with multiple villains due to her own personal experiences.

She has even gotten Magneto and his team to turn a new leaf. Her own personal trauma and experiences are things multiple people can connect to. She truly is empowering and motivating.

With that said, I am completely in love with her. I took her with the Guardians of the Galaxy to fight some new evils and they would love her to join them. She almost gave me grey hairs because she's so impulsive and crazy. But that's truly part of her charm.

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