Part 4

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Steve and Thor POV:
Wow she's powerful we said towards one another. And she carry's such a strong sense of empathy said Natasha.

Tony POV:
She's such a good person. She easily beat all of them. However, throughout the process she made sure that she didn't hurt them to bad. I mean she put a couch underneath Clint and she manipulated Bruce's emotions.

She's strong but also beyond kind and generous. She truly is too kind for her nature. I will teach her to be a bit more selfish. She needs to prioritize herself.

Hayley POV:
I am so sorry, I told Wanda, Strange, Jean, Logan, Clint, and Bruce.

Please believe me when I say, I didn't know I had any of these powers. I simply let my phoenix guide me on how to use my powers. I have come to the realization that she and I are one. Therefore, we have come to be in tune with one another.

However, with that in mind, I realize that I still do not know the full extent of my powers. Thus meaning, I will need to be trained.

Xavier POV:
No worries, young one. We will all train you. You will alternate days between the institute and the Avengers headquarters. Jean, Strange, Wanda, Logan, and I will work on helping you get an understanding of your powers.

Natasha, Steve, Bucky and Clint will teach you combat skills with the addition of Logan. They will also teach you how to use other weapons beyond your powers to fight.

We want to help you polish your fighting skills. I know you have experience from your prior world but it doesn't hurt to learn different tactics.

So what do you say?

Hayley POV:
Of course! If learning to master my new powers will help me from becoming a danger to others, I am willing to try anything.

Therefore, when do we start?

Parallel Universe

Hope POV:
I need to see my mom. I won't be able to rest until
I ask for her forgiveness. She wouldn't be in another world if it weren't for me. I was ignorant and naive to believe their wouldn't be repercussions in trying to see my dad again.

However, I did not expect for the repercussions to be so high.

Phoenix POV:
Hope, I need you to relax. You will see your mom one day. However, she needs to find herself. She has an amazing future stored in front of her. She is destined to be the savior of this new universe.

Therefore, once the dangers disappear you will be allowed to see her once again.

Klaus POV:
I entered the room as soon as I heard my daughter speaking to a new figure. Who are you, I screamed as the rest of my family entered Hopes room.

Phoenix POV:
I am one of many phoenix's who are hosts to different people. Your Hayley had the white phoenix of the crown enter her body. She is the strongest phoenix there is and she is our Queen.

We felt all the pain and trauma your Hayley faced. None of you know the full extent of different traumas she faced. Whether they occurred before she met you Klaus or when she hid and protected all of your bodies for 7 years.

She has been tortured, emotionally abused, and scarred beyond measure. None of you truly deserve her. However, you will be allowed to see her one day. However, she first has to be trained.

She is the most powerful creature to ever exist. That's impossible, said Klaus. Hope is the most powerful individual in existence. You are naive beyond measures. Hayley's passing opened her witch side and you put the white phoenix and you have an unstoppable creature. Hayley has the capacity to re-write history, destroy galaxies, with her simple touch she can copy anyones power, ext...

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